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I've just booked an appointment to have a colonic irrigation treatment and I was told by the clinic to take psyllium husks for five days prior to the appointment. Is this REALLY necessary or does it...
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My niece went to draw some money out of her nationwide b/s account and found that ?1ooo had ben taken out by somebody, she is deverstated as this was all the money she had . Her partner and his mate...
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I am most impressed with the jet force supercharged 120cc bike, does any one have any thoughts about this bike or any bike similar, I ride a mountain bike to work but would really love to get a bike,...
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if you are young fit and good looking were can one go to meet women that just want to do the dirty ?
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Emerald Lady
A while ago I came into a substantial amount of money, so far I have purchased a bigger house and paid off all my debts. At the time of receiving the money I was offered financial advice but decided...
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Do you want a xbox 360 or a Sony PS3.
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Towards the end of Aug I took a train from Haringay to Finsbury park, to cut a really long story short I was given the option to buy the ticket, they relented, but I then found I had no money other...
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I saw a guitar once it was full sized and it was connected to a amp and speaker, it was rounded and big at the back so the player had a great angle to play standing up, what is the name of a guitar...
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Does anybody else get hassle from their girlfriend EVERYTIME they want to go out without them. I get told the only reason I want to go out is to do some "WHORING" . I am also not allowed to buy lads...
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Hey people! what do you consider to be the single most significant event of the last 10 years and why? In my opinion i would probably say the fall of the twin towers as this lead to war, controversies...
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Hello, I made sure to watch last nights show on ufos. I have a few comments on this show. 1-Yes i think roswell was just a downed technical experment, thats why the military rushed to the nearest...
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hi can anyone offer an ideas on what i can do my final year project on? im doing an Information Systems degree. I know I should of thought of one by now, but I had other probs to think about. Im not...
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If I have a phone number, is there anyway to find out the name of the person to whom it belongs? (other then ringing it)
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Yes! My computer has broken and I am not happy. I have just had a new graphics card fitted because the old one wasn't working. But now, my computer freezes within 5 minutes of pressing the power...
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my little boy is 14mths old ive notice that he has a grey hair just one at present does anybody know why it happens
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Why do dead bodies decompose?
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What kind of image shows how strongly certain radiation is absorbed or transmitted?
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Anyone got any thoughts on the following. On the odd occassion I will get a 'twanging' sensation in the abdoman. I can only describe it as someone grabbing your skin tightly in their hand and...
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To all those of you who have helped me before...I need your advice again now, more than ever... I would like to ask, and mainly the guys' opinion... If you are upset and disappointed in your...
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is it possible to take a ghost back up image of the recovery partition on an ibm laptop.

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