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Trying to remember the name of an american sitcom from the mid 90s about a guy separated from his wife i think it was set in new york his wife was tall ,attractive with long dark hair ,when he spoke...
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1) Is this Mr Davies,s Private Abode west coast town between swansea and fishguard thanks again all you quiz masters
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A comedy drama ( 4-4) from the following letters - eposoltu. I may have some wrong!
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What day this year lasted 32 hours and 22 minutes ( or 32 hours and 31 minutes in anither place) ? Any suggestions?
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1)Drink taken after another of a different kind: 6 letters: - H - - - - 2)Worrying,getting anxious: 8 letters: - - - T - - - G Thanks!
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The question is 'a Roman mixture of vinegar, honey and salt was the first known example of what?' The only thing I've been able to find that this mixture has been used for is an emetic. However, the...
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(All straight, cryptic or anagrams) 1. 1411 last year, with royal crest and blue ribbon (9,8) 2. He's confused in this role (5,4) 3. New designs for all classes (9,6) 4. 1669 market on ice (5,4)
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who said "I am not drunk if I can lie on the floor without holding on"? Thanks
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which car company has models persona and compact who's autobiography is 'the unforgiving minute' name of a hammer used for dressing stone which 1964 olympic gold medalist had two sons who at onetime...

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