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who can remember the mobile phone advert when the guy was dacing to his ring tone and when it stops he says ring me phone??
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When did Amsterdam legalise cannabis?
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My boyfriend and i have just got back together after six weeks apart. We're both still in love with each other and fancy each other but things aren't right. He went off with someone else but i'm...
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As polls show the majority of us want one? PS. What about a news poll on the issue AB editor?
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Hello all, I have a problem with little bugs in my house, they are only ever in the bedroom or bathroom (well that's where we find them). They are liike small ladybird bugs but black with pale yellow...
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On the radio at the moment are some adverts for buying coke cans and i in ten gets a free music download or something. Anyway the guys that are doing it have accents and i want to know where people...
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cap'n spanky
well, you know, if you had food, drink and entertainment freely available, some sort of fitness regime and some sort of device for taking away your waste... so basically your normal life but your body...
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I want a site that tells me all the latest tunes, mainly a site with songs that aint been releast in the uk yet.........any help??
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I'm trying to compile a list (don't ask why!), of famous rock stars wives (preferably British). I'm thinking Patsy Kensit and Mandy Smith. Any Other Names?
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My girlfriend has just abandoned me. I won't go into the reasons why because that's beside the point. What I want to know is - how can I get over it? I miss her and love her and I am heartbroken. Are...
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ok so this is about a NEWSpaper - in the media guardian today in the creative media and sales vacancies is a small green advert with the headline 'Ever seen the game with Michael Douglas?' then the...
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Does anyone else get that buttock clenching feeling whenever John Barnes comes on 5 with the footy....His efforts are possibly the worst I have ever seen....I could do better for gawds sake....Doesn't...
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there should be a work section but never mind - anyway, having had a week off work sick (well four days) i have to give my company a reason for absence and sickness or unwell is not enough apparently....
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I'm going through a pretty rough time at the moment and have been thnking about seeing the doctor. However I am reluctant to take any drugs like Seroxat or Prozac because i don't want a drug to make...
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who sings the song from the norwich union advert
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Not sure where to put this, but here goes anyway. My friend bought car insurance from Tesco and they've asked him for proof of his no claims, he said he had five but realised he actually only has four...
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I've heard many rumours on how to get out of paying back a student loan, but never know whether to take any of them seriously. Does anybody know any legitimate ways of dodging this rediculous...
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Can anyone recommend anything to diminish hunger pangs? I've heard of a chewing gum that contains something that is supposed to work - anyone tried this?
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Which advert has the catchphrase 'keeping an ear out for you?'
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Does anyone know if it is possible to get these cats in the UK and if so how much i should expect to pay for one? After that are they just like regular cats? thanks

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