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12a Augustinian capital coming from Texas (6) A?S?I? 3d Anglican stole English composer's last piece (6) T????? 10a One who's beatified is one adored at heart (6) I?I?O??...
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23a Place in honour of herod's dad,non_Pc participants find revolting (10) ?N?I???R?S...
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4d One detail in particular (7) M?N?T?? minutes ? 14a Bomb that led to fire,the friendly sort, in Vietnam back in the day (6) ???a?s 13a O/S changing from Z to D to become slim (7) O?T?I?E outside...
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Help me finish it 2 to go 2d When breezy doesn't have the yenthe yen to go on promenade (5) ???N? 5da Before a point is made ??E?D If it helps first letter of 5a is second letter of 2 down...
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Really am struggling all help welcomed 13a Drink Poles bring roud for event in January (5) ?A?E? 9a Point to Dalziel,say,on board perfect cruise (7) ?R?N?L? 2d When breezy,doesn't have the yen to go...
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9a Point to Dalziel,say,on board perfect cruise (7) ?r?N?L? 14a Fool's declared northern beauty queen before it's over (7) ???L?A? 12d Pronunciation shown in lexicon's not like the cockney sound for...
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Listed on crosswordss but no answers 18d Westminster bishop exemplifying theological virtue ? (5) ?O?E?...
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Last one 18d Westminster bishop exemlifying theological virtue ?(5) ?o?e?...
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One to do 11a Those from Middle Earth going about on the road in Latvia, look back (5) ?l?e? 17d Felt head covering when American bowler's put on (5) ?E?B? I am sure the answer is derby but not really...
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Three to get me started 18a Shops jet set and he's beatified (2.6) ?t ?????? St ? 4d. Con about crazy mob getting involved in caper (6) ?a?b?? gambol? 15a Rifle holder's kept in custody (7) ???????...
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21d People in party holding up in cowboy geat (6) D?N?M? looks like dynamo but If so why ?//...
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You've done most of it. So can you finish it ? 1d Wear round part of US car isreported(4) ?I?E 4d Graduate's getting on but is needing to raise some bread (5) ?A?E? I can't concentrate watching Ghana...
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8a Rip off old sheriff about being let off (8) ???R???? 3d Umpire's blushing at one point during set over the number one seed (7) ?e???e?...
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Can anyone get me started on this 5d Non-com's sporty car ,cutting through tailbacks,flipped over (3,3) ?G? ??J) 22a Read blind here from Samson Agonistes (7,2,4) ??????? I? ??Z?...
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Last one 14d Is Cardigan top forgear for women in the country ? (7) T?I?S?T...
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Need a kick start on this 1a Dubious colony gets one to enter movement (11) ?????T????? 13a Characters are in Rome,in place (2,4) I? ???? in situ? 18a Sudden desire to finish cereal (7) C?????E...
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1a Led astray round a quarter of the Horn and made to deal with the fallout (7) ???T??? 7a Used to do manual work,though pushing 50. (6) ??o???...
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16a Saintly woman with no legs is agonizing,he wote about the Armenians (12 ??A?H???E?O? 1a Girl onthe rebound meets a boy in Zoroastrian text (7) ????T?N Avestan ?...
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4d Altered nets are best in party hats (6,7) E?S?E? ??N?E?S The answer looks like easter bonnets but I would welcome the reason or an alternate answer...
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