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Stuck on a couple. 1a His King Lear for a start was all Dutch to us. I have W?G?N?A 5a Posh content of sort of dated French novelist. I have ?A?D?? 26a compiler as canine. I have S?T?E? All help...
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Stuck on 4d Those on a learning curve in Teresa, perhaps. I have T?A???E? 14d Leading actor associated with king snake in Gibbons. I have ?T?A?R?A?D?R 13a Lake poet. ??C?O???N Can anyone...
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Still stuck on 11a, Large Welsh girl as Scottish poet. I have O?S?P?. What and why??
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Stuck on 18a, Premier student of Homer. I have G?A?S?O?E and 22d, Call up first dealer reducing Aesop's fabulous tome. I have D?A?T and 14 a, His novel ideas published as stop press. I have I?N?T...
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Two left, 7d Sort of stuff offered by Hay and Wolfe. I have R?G?T and 25a Singers perceived - the scheme of this verse, is easy to see, and that may well be for better or worse. I have ?B?A...
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1a Bestseller, some of its style a derivation of others. I have L?A?E? Is it loaner? 4a Do the spadework, mornings, including graduate in ancient Greek letters. I have ?I?A?B?S Could it be diiambus or...
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1a Bestseller, some of its style a derivation of others. I have L?A?E? is it loaner?? 4a Do the spadework, mornings, including graduate in ancient Greek letters. I have ?I?A?B?S Could it be diiambus?...
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Just one left: 19d Oracle at Bedford left a legacy. I have S?B?L?E. I'm pretty sure those letters are right...
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14ac - Play strongly in favour of low score? 3,3,4 I have a?l ?o? l?f? (I'm sure the answer is staring me in the face, but I can't get it!)...
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4d Murdoch's martello? I have S?N??A?T?E and it won't click! IRis Murdoch or maybe Rupert?? Or someone/thing else entirely?
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Can't work out 20ac Stylish, a turn with Carl Sandburg's poems I have b/i?a?o or 19d Way to treat carelessly in quick-time coda I have s?r?t?a Grateful for any help!...
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General subject of Beethoven overture
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26a A third match for Heracles. I have d?i?n?i?a Have I made a mistake somewhere? Any help appreciated!...
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11d Tip never refused by her. (2 words, 6,6) I have ?i?t?e ?o?r?t Thanks for any help!...
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1a King lacking French order becomes writer
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any questions
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...and 7d L?a?? Thanks for any help!
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12a A ticket for Harris. I've got Y???o? Can anybody help??

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