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What is the music in the current 118 118 advert with the 2 big guys and lots of small guys, all with moustaches, and all with 118 118 written on them?
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Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset...
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Help me out here folks... There's a tune by Young Holt Unlimited called 'Soulful Strut' which is instrumental, but I've heard a version of the same tune with vocals on it - who's it by??
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What is the plural of Zedonk? is it Zedonks, Zedonkies?
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When I update my Windows XP using windows update, I keep getting an error message saying that Dahotfix has encountered an error. Myupdates frequently fail because of this. Can anybody help please?
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Isn't it about time in this day and age, and now that the technology is available, that cinema films and DVD's should carry subtitles for the hard of hearing. ?
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What is the difference. between Outlook Express 6 and Outlook?
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which scottish team are known as the loons
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Is it possible to copy mpegs / avi films ect onto CD-R and also include subtitles ? if so, are there any good links / software out there to help me do this.
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I have bought a region 1 DVD for my multiregion DVD player. I have found out that I can't view the closed captions on my TV. Can I view these on my PC, if so, what is the best viewer to download and...
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Why is Easter held on different dates every year ?
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Does xp really dial up 'home' to Microsoft' and give info away about your internet usage and downloads? If so, how can I stop it?
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Can anyone tell me the name of the song and the singer that features in the new KFC ad? The one where they are all dancing round their cars at night ... one of the lyrics is 'All I need is music,...
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Does anyone know what the music is for the Ford Focus ad running on sky at the moment.
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Anyone know the name of the song in the latest KFC advert playing in the background?
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There was a 60's tv show with a theme song 'White Horses'; can I hear it on the web somewhere?

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