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Leather cases hanging from cavalry men's sword-belts. I have s?b?e?a?h?? But no idea what the answer might be. Help please!...
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Does anybody do the crossword in The Tablet?...
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E-string on a violin. Five letters, begins with q. Can someone please put me out of my agony!...
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As the people on this site have been incredibly generous in helping me, a relative newcomer to crosswords, to develop my skills. BUT. There is always a but, isn't there? But, I found the new...
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As ever, there's one clue I cannot track down an answer to! " with an alimentary canal" I have ?n?e?a?e but I have no idea what the answer might be. Google and a dictionary were no help but I am...
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Humorous trousers beginning to chafe for hurdler, perhaps. I have ?o?k?y. Help gratefully received...
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alluring (French female form) (8) ?g?s?n?e
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Very late in the day, it's me as usual (a) seeking confirmation of an answer that I am not 100% sure of and (b) if it is right an explanation please. The clue is Star consuming last of chilli tortilla...
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20a In formal usage, richly melodic, resonant etc (8) ?a?o?o?s 27a Bronchodilator used for lung conditions (9) a?b?t?r?l...
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I wonder if someone can either explain possible answers or give me correct ones please. The first is 2d Done with it, searched clothes. I have f?n???e? So " finished" fits which would be " done" but I...
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22ac Affairs beginning, ennui initially concealed by a couple in trouble, accordingly going about it. With the letters I have " adultery" fits but nothing else seems work. The letters I have are...
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"Flash getting bright primarily during the time beyond midnight" I have ?o?n?e?m which suggests "moonbeam" which might fit "flash". I can see the b and am but cannot see the rest. Am I right? And, if...
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Polymath 893
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I am stuck on one clue in this month's puzzle. It is 17 across. "Real things , as opposed to attributes". I have e?t?a and the only word that I can think of is extra. But that does not seem to fit the...
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Drat! I completed it though it was a tough one. Great fun! So why drat? Because I have just realised that it had to be in by today. Good luck to those of you who read the small print in good time....
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7d Heroic Mr Morecambe's lost a leg (4) e_i_ Eric or epic - and why?
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57 Star man has not completed study (8) ?E?P?R?S
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18a. Unruly nationalist faced clear request for peace 4,2,5,3,1,6. I know it's an anagram but just can't get it!
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Hello again after a couple of weeks absence. And I am late this week because SWMBO took me to Winchester ( beautiful cathedral etc) but for a weird reason. One of her friends organised for her husband...
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I need help with one clue please. " its county towns include Cairo,Ottowa, Paris and Vienna" I have I?A?O which suggests Idaho. But I tried Googling to confirm ( my intimate knowledge of the USA isn't...

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