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Ring or bar worn in a pierced ear to keep the hole from closing
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Queeny no help- spent too long searching for an answer to our query- still haven't got 1d.can anyone help?
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Surely there must be someone else who is having a problem with Paul- or are we going to have to put it away until Monday Sept 29th? Help- we don't want to win a prize- just want to get some sleep!
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1d Up and down days plus a year, plus a.....and so on. 5,5,5. ?A?D?/??D?A/?????. I've struggled for hours over this, but can't see it at all. Many thanks for any help, I must be really thick this...
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I've more or less finished the right hand half but I'm stuck on the left hand half. I have a feeling that 7d and 3d are doubles???? (Remark about s-s-snake inspiring foreign article in The...
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12a. Pinner rejected closure of investment banking (7) ??L?A?T 25a. Energy source black crude oil storing uranium in iron (7) B?O?U?L
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14d Losing round in old tournament's fair (4) *U*T Thank you.
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unsuccessful cultural festival launched by the fianna fail government in 953. (2,6) ?n ?o?t?l surname of father and son british statesmen one a prime minister (4) ?i?t
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I'm stuck in the top left hand corner.... 1a Before ultimate promotion in army time zone (8) P?E???C? 3d Setter's surgeon's feet (5) ??M?S They look like PREELECT and LIMBS, but those don't seem right...
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6d i know it is beetroot soup cannot spell it help??? 25 across drug for treating parkinsons diseease 2 words l ?o/?a
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I always do the Daily Mail and Daily Express prize crosswords, and I was wondering, are there any other national daily newspapers which have prize crosswords? Thanks! :o)
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Help please! 5d What injecting addict craves without the French money(7) N ? E ? F ? L if I've everything else correct. Looks like needful but why? Thanks in advance!
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I've done the crossword, but certain indicated letters form an anagram of a feature of Lincolnshire (not necessarily one word) They are TYCREPHOLA. In spite of having lived in Lincolnshire nearly all...
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10a President Lincoln kept vital liquid in old case (8) is 7d Yeasty Thanks
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male in possession of gold and silver crossig centre [7] begins with h
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20d 16 9,22d's query recognises rude type with "am I bovvered" 3,3,13,2 (9,22d=Catherine Tate) A??/???/D?S?????C????/?E I'm completely foxed as I know nothing whatsoever about Catherine Tate except...
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5d Capone leaving one country for another A?S?R?A It looks like ASSYRIA but Assyria isn't now a country, and Capone's name was Al
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jaffa cake
4d show me arranged before bernstein song.s - - e - - e - - . 17a peel off about 10 and drive away.t - p - - . thank you
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me again! 6a TAXUS 3 letters (think ?ER) 4d PATH; LADDER 3 letters (S??)
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Last 2 - very devious and can you explain 7 Down - ?A?? - Service in the shade 16 Acr - R?D?? - Intensifier of red Many thanks

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