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What are the best places to visit in Brittany

Asks ntsinonis A. Brittany is made up of four main areas: the C tes d'Armor, Finist re, Ille-et-Villaine and Morbihan. Fishing has long been the most important industry and the rocky Atlantic01:00 Mon 20th Aug 2001

Can you give me any information about Oman

Asks olga carola A. The Sultanate of Oman is in the Arabian Peninsula; it is bordered by the Arabian Sea (and the Gulf of Oman) on its east coast, Saudi Arabia on the west, the United Arab Emirates01:00 Mon 20th Aug 2001

Why is San Francisco considered different from the rest of the USA

Asks monkeysay A. San Francisco is often considered different from the rest of the US because it is believed to be more alternative i.e. hip and trendy from the rest of the country, and also because01:00 Mon 20th Aug 2001

Is Toronto split up into many different areas or zones, and if so is it easy to get around the city

Asks monkeysay A. Like many major cities, Toronto is split up into different areas. But you could probably walk through one area to another seamlessly and not know the difference. The main areas of01:00 Mon 13th Aug 2001

Can you recommend any good websites where I can find cheap flights

asks alicevida A. There are loads of websites that offer cheap deals for single and return flights. The best way to get a really good bargain is to be prepared to spend a few hours online and plough01:00 Mon 13th Aug 2001

What is the largest city in Scandinavia

asks jellybean A. Copenhagen is the largest city in Scandinavia, and is the capital of Denmark. Q. What is Copenhagen like to visit A.It is a great place to visit, especially for a long weekend01:00 Mon 13th Aug 2001

I visited Amsterdam on a stag night a couple of years ago and I am ashamed to say that I was too drunk so see any of the sights. I am going again in September, and would welcome any tips on what to see and do.

Asks danmiller103 A. Amsterdam is a great place to visit even if it's just for the weekend. It is incredibly laid back and relaxed with fantastic architecture, beautiful canals, loads of bars and01:00 Mon 06th Aug 2001

Can you tell me how much it costs to visit Legoland in Windsor

Asks howardpiercy A. There are various prices. If you plan to visit for one day it will cost 19 (adults aged 16-60); 16 (children aged 3-15); 13 (adults aged 60+). Alternatively if you plan to01:00 Mon 06th Aug 2001

Can you give any advice or travelling tips for a woman travelling on her own

Asks alicevida A. It depends on where you are travelling to as to how careful you have to be, but there are general rules that you should follow that will keep you safe and help you enjoy your01:00 Mon 06th Aug 2001

I have heard that Edinburgh is very rough and not an ideal place to visit, is this true

Asks mollyprixe A. Like any capital city, Edinburgh does have a rough underbelly - it does have problems, namely with drugs, AIDS, poor housing and homelessness - but it is no worse than other01:00 Mon 30th Jul 2001

Is Brussels a good place to visit as a tourist, or is it geared towards the business community

Asks miranda A. Famous for Tintin, chocolate, beer and the European Union, Belgium, and Brussels in particular, is often overlooked as a holiday destination. Brussels has a lot to offer tourists and01:00 Thu 26th Jul 2001

Is it too late to go to any of the Pride events in the UK this year

Asks Garylord A. Not at all, although you have missed a few that have taken place already this year. Those events that you've missed include Birmingham (26-28 May), Dublin (1-30 June), Europride in01:00 Thu 26th Jul 2001

Can anyone recommend the most historic and interesting area of Hadrian's Wall to visit

Asks sneakersA. There are many great parts of the wall to visit, the most historic area is probably the artefacts contained in the Senhouse Roman Museum (Tel: 01900 816168) in Maryport (nearest01:00 Mon 23rd Jul 2001

How many Tate Galleries are there in the UK now and where are they

Asks howardpiercy A. There are now four Tate galleries in the UK. There are two in London: Tate Britain and the new Tate Modern; one in Liverpool; and one in St Ives, Cornwall. Q. Are they all01:00 Mon 23rd Jul 2001

Can you recommend any holiday companies that specialise in dancing holidays

Asks mollyprixeA. One of the best in the UK can be found online at Q. What types of dance do they specialise in A. They offer holidays that specialise in Arabic,01:00 Mon 23rd Jul 2001

What is there to do in Bilbao

Asks Meltdown A. Bilbao is the oldest city in the Basque Country of Spain, but until recently it was primarily known as a ferry port and industrial town. Since the world famous Museo Guggenheim de01:00 Sat 07th Jul 2001

Can you recommend anywhere where I can convert currency online

Asks alicevidaA. There are several sites that allow you to convert from one currency to another very quickly and accurately, taking into account current exchange rates. Some of these include the01:00 Thu 12th Jul 2001

Can you recommend the best things to do in London for a weekend

Asks meltdown A. There is so much to do in London that it is difficult to fit it into one weekend, but if you've got the energy we've got the information! Just the size and the amount of people01:00 Thu 12th Jul 2001

What are the main attractions in Reykjavik

Asks alicevida A. Reykjavik is the capital of Iceland, and while it has a lot to offer the tourist it is one of the most expensive places in Europe to visit. If you're planning to visit for longer01:00 Mon 09th Jul 2001

Where is the National Space Centre

Asks mollyprixe A. The new National Space Centre is in Leicester. It is located just off the A6 (north of Leicester) and can be reached from junctions 21A and 22 of the M1 motorway. Q. When did01:00 Mon 09th Jul 2001

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