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Is Amazon the best internet site to buy books from

01:00 Mon 30th Apr 2001 |

Asks BorisBru
It is difficult to rate best for any site as it can only be judged from personal experience, but Amazon does offer a fantastic service. From its huge choice of books to being able to compile your own wish list that you're friends can view for your birthday, it is�second to none. Amazon's importance lies not just here, but in the fact that it paved the way for online bookshops and helped form a model of buying books that is easy and cheap, with a massive back catalogue.

According to recent figures released by MMXI Amazon's two sites ( and were accessed by 2.7 million people in the UK in November 2000 - a record that will take some beating. It is also the biggest online shopping brand in the US, Australia and Canada. So it is somewhat unfair to compare smaller book sites with such a giant.

Q. So what other sites are there
Other popular book sites in the UK include sole online ventures and online versions of high street shops. You can also buy books at discounted prices from most broadsheet newspapers via their individual sites.

Some of the most popular include (in alphabetical, not preference, order):

Advanced Book Exchange� represents independent booksellers and will find out of print books and first editions.
Alphabetstreet �has the great benefit of letting you read the first chapter before you buy.
Bibliofind� the place to find old and rare books (plus second-hand).
Blackwells� great for academic books, but popular literature is expensive. Shops can be found in the high street too.
BOL �has great reader reviews and regular big book sales. It also sends out a monthly newsletter to registered users by email.
James Thin� Competitive sale prices for popular literature, and good on finding obscure books. Scottish bookseller, with shops on highstreet too.

Ottakers Good looking site, very quick delivery of stock. Shops can be found in the high street too.

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By Karen Anderson

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