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What's happening with broadband

Just as AOL announced a cut in their monthly broadband subscription to 27.99, (now the same as BT's 'no frills' service but with all that added AOL content), telecoms watchdog Oftel have announced01:00 Tue 08th Oct 2002

Website Of The Day

It's always nice to be noticed. Thanks, then, to the BBC's Miles Mendoza who selected The Answerbank as his Website Of The Day for 4 September. Miles appears on the fantastic 'Steve Wright In The01:00 Fri 06th Sep 2002

How many people use the Internet

Rosier asked: How many people have Internet in the US This Internet thingy they're all talking about: it looks like it's here to stay. In fact - and this will come as no surprise to you, dear01:00 Wed 12th Jun 2002

The Internet fridge - here at last

The 'Internet Refridgerator' we've all been reading about is finally on the way. Finally, when you talk to your fridge, instead of staring at you in mute incomprehension, it will will answer back -01:00 Wed 15th May 2002

Why is so much consolidation of ISP s happening at the moment and what should I do if my ISP closes

Asks Justin A. Many Internet Service Providers (ISP's) have either folded or consolidated lately because it is a natural development in a developing market - last year there were just too many for01:00 Mon 22nd Apr 2002

What is text connect

Asks Andrew A. TextConnect is one of two new products (the other is known as TextBase) that were launched on 12 April by a company called Vinestone. Q. What do these products do A. Both01:00 Mon 22nd Apr 2002

Is there a new variant of the MyLife virus out at the moment

Asks Melanie A. A new variant of the MyLife mass-mailing virus was detected by antivirus companies on 12 April 2002, and it is believed that this outing is the eighth for the virus - but as it has01:00 Mon 22nd Apr 2002

Why is the search engine Google being sued in the US

Asks Patrick A. Google is being sued by Overture Services it was announced on 5 April (2002) because Overture believes that Google is illegally using its patented technology, which allows advertisers01:00 Mon 15th Apr 2002

What is BT doing to push the expansion of broadband in the UK I understand that there has been a slow uptake from consumers.

Asks Owen A. There has been a slow uptake of broadband services by consumers in the UK because installation has been expensive (approximately 150 at the beginning of 2002) with high monthly rental01:00 Mon 15th Apr 2002

Is there an Internet site that enables you find friends around the world

Asks Stella A. There is a new site that has recently launched called World Friends. It works in a similar way to the incredibly popular Friends Reunited site, with the added ability of enabling you01:00 Mon 15th Apr 2002

Do you know of any websites where I can find free translations of languages

Asks monica A. There are numerous websites that translate text - two of the most popular are and Both sites are easy to use for rapid,01:00 Mon 01st Apr 2002

What are Mira Tablets

Asks Jake A. Mira "tablets" are Microsoft's new portable computers, with flat LCD screen's, that are designed to be used in any room in the house - basically as a remote screen for your PC that is01:00 Mon 01st Apr 2002

What exactly is GPS

Asks Miranda A. GPS stands for Global Positioning System and refers to a worldwide navigation system of 24 satellites that orbit the earth and coordinate with ground receivers to pinpoint exact01:00 Mon 01st Apr 2002

When can I expect the price of digital radio receivers to come down

Asks Peter Smith A. Prices are unlikely to fall for another two years - as the industry is still (relatively) in its infancy and although the BBC pioneered research and development into digital radio01:00 Mon 25th Mar 2002

Why are Rupert Murdoch and the NDS Group at the centre of a piracy scandal involving some of Europe s biggest media groups

Asks kelvin A. The row is centred on allegations made by the giant French pay-TV operator Canal Plus (on 12 March 2002) that the NDS Group (owned by Murdoch's News Corporation) had helped viewers01:00 Mon 25th Mar 2002

What is a webring

Asks paddy A. A webring is a group of websites that have been linked together because they share a common link, usually their subject matter e.g. an Xbox gaming ring would feature about 20 sites all01:00 Mon 18th Mar 2002

What is so good about the new Apple iMac computers

Asks Justine A. The new Apple iMac's have been in the press since the beginning of 2002 as they look completely different from their previous models - they are all-in-one computers with flat panel01:00 Mon 18th Mar 2002

Why has delivery of the new Apple iMac s been delayed in the UK

Asks katiecuth A. There has been no official word from Apple over the reported delays on the new all-in-one iMac computer, but there have been several press reports that have speculated on the cause01:00 Mon 18th Mar 2002

Is it true that someone recently got caught shoplifting computer software using a Macintosh iPod

Asks spidermonkey A. Yes, this story was first reported in Wired magazine on 28th February and then picked up by many newswires and national newspapers thereafter - and it made news because it is one01:00 Mon 11th Mar 2002

What precisely is a weblog and how would I go about setting one up

Asks Lord Panda A. A weblog is a website that can contain personal, newsworthy or non-commercial information. The information is usually organised in a dated log (chronological) format - in a similar01:00 Mon 11th Mar 2002

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