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Lavender Oil

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Robinia | 14:12 Mon 19th Nov 2012 | Shopping & Style
1559 Answers
Can anyone recommend a good lavender oil please? I've bought them in the past and they just didn't smell right somehow. It's mainly for refreshing wheat packs, pillows etc.


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Baldwin's of the Walworth Rd in London ( not far from the Elephant and Castle) are true herbalists and do a postal service. They will make it clear whether they are selling the true flower oil or artificial versions.
By the way, they sell wonderful Pot Pourri oils and lots of other perfume oils.
18:06 Mon 19th Nov 2012
Thank you all. I will be looking in and saying hello, - just not chatting at the moment. All is well between Mr LL and I, but I have got myself wound up into a real state probably because of feeling unwell for quite a while with various problems and the fact it is winter. I shall be off to the docs as soon as I feel I can talk without breaking down. xxxx
I'm back after a chat on Skype. I love that means of talking. My niece is in New Zealand and has been for 20 odd years. I think it's fantastic to be able to sit and see her when we talk.
I think it's been a lovely day but now getting colder. I have a sneeezy virusy cold. Bunged up with sore throat. I went for an hour's walk this morning to see if that would shift it but still sneezing so I'm going in the bath with some Lavender soaky stuff Steady's girlfriend gave me, with it was some body lotion and then some cologne which I'm going to spray on my pillow tonight to lull me off to sleep. And that's it for Sunday. Nothing on the box that interests me so I've down loaded The Great Gatsby for 77p on my Kindle and will be reading that in bed. I've read it before but Steadier recommended when I asked him, saying he thought it was one of his favourite books. I enjoyed the film as well.
Oight oight Biddyfrends everywhere. Have a good sleep and keep warm and cosy.
See yer later 'gater(s)

now it doesn't look as if we'll get much snow at all, maybe none, so perhaps I should just eat the pizza instead of hoarding it. Sorry you're feeling under the weather with it all, Lottie. Hopefully your doctor has a pill for under the weatherness.

Well, they look cute anyway.
its not snowing here either but very cold.
oight oight all, still no snow here but the wet is starting to freeze so no early rising tomorrow.
Morning all, am off to get the ibiza bus to sort out barca hols, hija just got home in London after partying, and it is freezing and snowy! Laters.
somebody seems to have sprinkled a little icing sugar on the lawn. Well, if you tried telling Canadians it was snow they'd laugh in your face.

Has the country been brought to a halt yet?
Morning all
No snow here as yet .Very cold though .I had to smash the ice on the bird bath .
Hope you are all ok .
I've got an Amazon voucher to spend ..decisions,decisions ....
Keep warm everyone.
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Morning all...there was a covering of snow here when I got up and now it's falling steadily again. It's bleak with it. I was going to post a pic for you neti but it seems you've got your own then.

Oh me too shaney, I've got a long wish list but the voucher's not quite going to cover it so some whittling down is required :) I might wait until they do a 20% off handbags offer, you have a year to spend it.
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why have all the handbags vanished from amazon?! :)
blooming cold here but still no snow...I think we'll go out in search of hamburgers later.
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it's snowing heavily and up to the ankles of the blackbirds now...
ooh, I haven't had a burger for onionless one for me please, and a spoonful of tinned toms in it.
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btw jno, I forgot to say that the Josie Russell artwork is fantastic, what a brilliant idea and you need to be good with a machine to get it to look right....I'll see if neti's left any paisley kaftans on the line that I can chop up.
oh, there's a bit more icing sugar coming down. I must take a photo and send it to some Eskimos to impress them.
Morning all.

Snow here, enough to cover, but not snowing at the moment.

its snizzling here...a gnats colder and it would be snow.
I can't stop playing this

15º degrees here and sunny, too warm in two jumpers! Had a useless trip to Ibiza, so rushed back to join my other biddymates for a coffee in the sun. Want to spend serious money but do not have any!!!

Poor Mr N feels a bit rough, he's got a cold but he bravely soldiers on workwise, cos there is no one else to do it!

How nice to see Zainab on This morning, she isn't always grumpy!!
I am so fed up with Lilac Ben's bloody fleas!!!
It's bright and sunny here now and we have no snow .
I'm beginning to feel left out :(
Lol Robinia I did breeze round the handbags ,then the cardies ,then I looked at some watches and earrings .I've now decided to buy the Roots box set and save the rest for when the new Bones season 8 comes out in September.

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