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~☆☆~ΨΨ~The Night Before Xmas~ΨΨ~☆☆~

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VINNY100_2 | 12:18 Wed 03rd Oct 2007 | Christmas
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☆~☆~☆~☆~~BIDDYS XMAS THREAD☆~☆~☆~☆~~~ please dont open till xmas..!! Ho Ho Ho


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forgot to light the fire>>>whoosh>>
yo (:O)
21:09 Thu 20th Dec 2007
Hi All and I really enjoyed reading about your very picturesque land Kit. What a lovely place to live. Beautiful photos and very interesting.
No Vin my date' s not me gardener. He's got himself a full time job and a girlfriend now so how are you fixed for doing me garden this year. I'm having the front tarmacced and blocked to stand my car on so that will be one lawn less to mow.
I don't know what to say about this 'date'. We're only going to watch a Jazz Band so I shan't be dressing up too much Anything goes these days doesn't it . I shall report back after Tuesday how it went on Lol.
Hope you all have a good night will speak again soon. Going to get in touch with Maggie now and see why she hasn't been on. Bye for now :o) x
"...and after we left Ystad we were living in Malm� which is located on the west coast of Scania... I'm sure I can find it for you...

....ah yes here we are, Malm�, and the stories I could te-

...but I won't. YOU CAN COME OUT NOW! (Cheers Jude.)
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Lovely place sweden.You can tell us your stories kip.We wont tell a soul...(:O)
yo if that works its a miracle...(:O)
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Baaaaaa..! hehe...(:O)
Hi, Kit... that looks lovely, I'm a fan of little towns with half-timbering. Nothing like that in my home town. However ,here's my beach; I still have a home over the road though I don't get there often

A busy late summer Sunday there, as you can see. I have seen other people there (spot the houses in the distance) but not many
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Morning people.
Thanks fer the offer jude,you do have a ride on mower with beer pump attached ?(
:O)ey,I got accused of Womble-ing yesterday at tescos..I took some receipts(bout 25) to the help desk and they said only 2 receipts can be used,and asked me if I bin womble- ing.Erm...nope and what the hell is womble-ing ?she said peeps go round picking receipts from the floor and making out its there's to get more points...tut..! if I would do such a thing....bu66er,i was making �10 squid a day hehe..!
tic does anybody else womble.. ...(:O)
later dudes.
These are your criminal tendencies coming out again Vinny - just get onto the straight and narrow and STAY ON IT! <<wombling indeed!! - tut tut>>
Good morning Wombles! You just go back to Tesco's Vinny and tell them you're helping the environment - that's what Wiki says, innit:

The Wombles are pointy-nosed furry creatures that live in burrows, where they help the environment by collecting and recycling rubbish in useful and ingenious ways. Their motto is Make Good Use of Bad Rubbish. This "green" message was ahead of its time in the 1970s.

Well I'd say we've all been seriously outbeached - that's absolutely beautiful, jno wherever it is. You're a lucky b- ...biddy. Thanks for showing us.

Oh Neti I wasn't gonna tell you, but... that frog you ate... and that matanza pig your neighbours "transformed"... the two of them were... they were going to be.... no it's too horrible for words, you'll just have to see for yourself

Cheer up Neti here's a song that you and I probably are the only ones will like. I remember you rooted for the Swedish entry in the ESC, so here's the same band with a recent single release little dysfunk you

Psst Jude about your date, word on the street is he's been busy practising just to impress you tomorrow - but he may have misunderstood the concept of ab rolls just a little. Oh well, whatever it is that he is doing, he's doing it sideways too
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Yep kip.see netti,I was helping the enviroment.
womble along now (:O)
Yeah - helping yourself more like!!

Kit Thank you I do like that group - that'll have me bopping about the house!
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Aww, he's just adorable! "Sneakin' into the kitchen..." (But Neti we love you anyway, you know that ♥)

Went down town to have a look at an ergonomic mouse I'm interested in and something really spine-chilling happened:

Whenever the vendor demonstrated the functions it worked just fine but as soon as I took over, the cursor froze on the screen. At first it was just puzzling, then it became slightly amusing, next it was very amusing - but in the end it was just downright spooky! It happened the same way 10-15 times... I can only conclude that I am a ghost who doesn't know it yet. Walk towards the light, Kit, walk towards the light.

Though come to think of it I wouldn't be in this much pain if I were dead. My back is killing me worse than ever. Hope Robinia's okay...?

the man
Oh dear, we have another missing 5yr old girl here in Spain, happened not very far from Portugal. Her name is Mari Luz. What is the world coming to?
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Woof Woof jno wags tail (:O) (*_*)
Ahhh I don't have a mouse on my lap top.

Just called to have a read and to wish you all a goodnight.
See you all soon have to go to bed to get me beauty sleep and I sure need it Lol :o) x

Here I afraid.
sorry I was absent yesterday mi' dears..I'd spent all Sun night awake with a migraine the size of Great Uncle Bulgaria & I was wiped out. I considered coming in here in the wee small hrs & confessing to all the music I don't like in the hope someone would shoot me...but I daresay all I'd have got would have been a boomerang on me bonce which wouldn't have done a clean job.

What a beautiful place you lived in Kit...I suppose parts of my childhood village were quite picturesque but you don't think of it that way at the time...there were lots of fields full of wild flowers & farms & wasn't unusual to sit in class & see a cow run past followed by an angry farmer waving a stick....followed by his missus waving a rolling pin, hehe.

Speaking of....mouse(s!) and ghosts have you all seen/read The Mousehole Cat? (yep, I know it's pronounced mowzel, but go with it) Vin surely must have's officially a childrens story but appeals to all & the illustrations are lovely. I know Kit likes to investigate these things so there's a write up about it here
Good morning music lovers (was it the Ark, Robinia).

They've erected a scaffold to refurbish the next-doors exterior of this building - yay... I expect they'll give it their worst starting tomorrow. Can anyone explain why the working class heroes always have to start being heroic at half past six in the morning and why they invariably start with the noisiest stuff.

That does sound like a film for me Robinia and the blog was nice too. Wish I could cry like I once could, involving the whole body, I miss that.

Oh look, Maggie's assisting Jude with her preparations for the big night tonight!

I want a PIG.
(Been watching Mudslinger again.)

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