Hi Jaydj,
I am 73yrs, and have had COPD for the past 3+ years. I take 3 inhalers, Symbicort, EkliraGenuair 322, and Ventolin.
Does she cough up phlegm?
I have been off and on Steroids for about a year, but they do stop having an effect after a while, and can have severe side effects, especially the thinning of your skin, bruising drawing blood, which I have.
I have an Nebulizer at home, which I only use on really bad days, and my Consultant told me, Oxygen dosent really help in the long run.
I have been hospitalized twice with breathing problems, in the past 8 months, and to avoid this, there is a COPD Unit which has been set-up, which I will send info to you later.
They work 7 days, and have the experience to give injections, prescriptions & take blood samples etc.
Will get back to you later tonight.