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Summer (Re Mm Us) 2020 Quiz C/D 5/9 Romanian Aid Foundation

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hellywelly4 | 13:32 Mon 24th Aug 2020 | Quizzes & Puzzles
15 Answers
Just one to go now. Help appreciated

The answers are names/words/terms that have become familiar to us in the last few months. No number of letters given.
41. Judge on 'Pitch Battle'


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Or could be VAR - video assistant referee
13:34 Mon 24th Aug 2020
Do answers all have RE or MM or US in them?
Or could be VAR - video assistant referee
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It's only the first 30 that have those letters in them
So VAR will be the answer.
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Thank you F-f. I thought it would be someone's name.
Okay, much better answer. I though VAR was topical and has been much more relevant to me than Gareth Malone but he will be the answer
Interestingly he also satisfies the RE angle (GaREth Malone)
I don't get the 'recent months' bit though when this Gareth Malone series is 3 years old- or has he had some more programmes on TV recently or been in the news?
Thanks. I'm more of a fan of Bugzy Malone than Gareth Malone
I had you down as a singer, am I wrong?
I sing. But only to myself

"So now I say 0161, Manny on the map. And the mandem get excited. Now it's all hectic in man's city. Let's get down to the nitty gritty!
You are a fan :-)

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Summer (Re Mm Us) 2020 Quiz C/D 5/9 Romanian Aid Foundation

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