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Why has conductor Daniel Barenboim been in the news

A. Barenboim made a decision to conclude a concert at the Israel Festival in Jerusalem last month, with a performance of the Tristran And Isolde Prelude by Wagner, a seriously controversial decision,01:00 Mon 20th Aug 2001

Can you tell me about Stevie Wonder

A. Although less prolific, and certainly less commercially successful in recent times, Stevie Wonder's legacy of recorded work is a testament to a writer and social commentator of rare talent and01:00 Mon 20th Aug 2001

Are The White Stripes the future of rock and roll

A. Possibly, insofar as the music industry is hailing them as a huge impact, comparable with Oasis and Nirvana. Q. Why the big deal A. The music industry in general, and the music press in01:00 Mon 20th Aug 2001

Who was Larry Adler

A. Larry Adler, theworld's most famous mouth organ player (he disliked the word 'harmonica') died last week, at the age of 87. Q. How does anyone get to be a 'famous mouth organ player' A. Because01:00 Mon 13th Aug 2001

Can you tell me about the Rumours album

A. The Rumours album was the second record put out by the 'revitalised' version of a Sixties British blues band who had virtually re-invented themselves as an American radio soft-rock operation. 01:00 Mon 13th Aug 2001

How big a star was Elvis Presley

Elvis Presley, was, is, and will probably remain, the biggest single popular music artist the world has ever seen. He died on 16 August, 1977. He was 42 years old. Q. Biggest and best A. 01:00 Mon 13th Aug 2001

What can you tell me about Pink Floyd

A. The story of Pink Floyd is the story of British rock, encapsulated in the career of just one band. They have had it all - huge success, financial ruin, breakdowns, split-ups, legal action,01:00 Mon 06th Aug 2001

What does 'Last Night Of The Proms' mean

A. It's the last night of a series of musical concerts grouped under the overall title of The Henry Wood Promenade Concerts, which began life back in 1895. The idea of brining classical music to a01:00 Mon 06th Aug 2001

Why did the world need to be ready for Bruce Springsteen

A. The phrase "Finally the world is ready for Bruce Springsteen!" was used as part of a poster campaign that heralded the much-hyped visit of the New Jersey singer-songwriter in 1975. Springsteen01:00 Mon 06th Aug 2001

I'm going to my first concert - any advice

A. Pop concerts are a great night out, and with the increasingly sophisticated level of entertainment expected, and delivered, they can be a memorable experience, but make sure your first concert is01:00 Mon 30th Jul 2001

How do you define the term 'Europop'

A. Essentially, Europop is the name given to a group of singles made by European pop stars, which invade the UK charts in the late summer or early autumn, usually reaching the top three, and then01:00 Mon 30th Jul 2001

What can you tell me about Madonna

A. In a world where the cult of 'celebrity' has taken over, Madonna harks back to a bygone age, when being a 'star' actually meant something. For example, someone like PJ Proby would only ever be a01:00 Mon 30th Jul 2001

What does a record producer actually do

A. The term 'producer' when applied to the credits you read on the back of your favourite CD or album can mean a variety of things - there really is no fixed job description for a producer. Q. OK,01:00 Mon 23rd Jul 2001

What can you tell me about Wagner's Ring Cycle

A. The Ring Cycle is acknowledged as one of the greatest single operatic works ever created, and has assured its composer Richard Wagner his high place in classical music immortality. Q. What is01:00 Mon 23rd Jul 2001

What are the origins of reggae

A. Like most musical genres, reggae did not evolve from an individual source, but from a mixture of musical, religious, and cultural influences rooted in America. Q. How does American music figure01:00 Mon 23rd Jul 2001

Is Verdi the greatest ever composer of opera

A. Among the great names of classical opera, the name of Giuseppe Verdi must hold a high place. Verdi is a composer credited with the evolution of opera from its previous format, to that used from01:00 Tue 17th Jul 2001

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