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Leaking tap

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beeseejay | 21:19 Sun 20th Mar 2011 | DIY
4 Answers
How do I get at the washer in a mixer tap? The thing is dripping and this is the first time I've had a leak on a single tap. I don't see how the tap itself comes off so I'm a little bemused. TIA


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Sometimes a little grubscrew on the back of the mixer spout near where it rotates. If it's there, MAKE SURE you put the plug in the sink before you unscrew it.
21:24 Sun 20th Mar 2011
Sometimes a little grubscrew on the back of the mixer spout near where it rotates. If it's there, MAKE SURE you put the plug in the sink before you unscrew it.
There's a grub screw at base of outlet pipe. That will give access to spout seal.
Depending if it is monoblock, dual heads or CERAMIC valve (1/4-1/2 turn) depends on what you do regarding valve washers/seals.
Ceramic usually needs a seal kit from manufacturer.
Some mixers have conventional valve heads under the tap tops.
What make/type is it?
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Thank you - that has just rung a bell! I've felt what must be the grubscrew when cleaning around the sink. That is the first job in the morning. Thanks again.
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Hi Albags. Don't know the make or type it's been in a year or several. Definitely not ceramic though.

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