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Strawberries Wapped In Parma Ham

16:37 Mon 24th May 2010 |

Serves 4

This is a fun, sophisticated, appetizer perfect for summer when strawberries are in season. Strawberries go surprisingly well with cured meat. The fresh juicy strawberries compliment the rich taste of cured Parma ham. The ingredients are simple but it tastes delicious and is full of flavours that work extraordinarily well together. Strawberries wrapped in Parma ham is a wonderful appetizer or perfect served as part of a buffet. The colours are beautiful, I suggest you also serve asparagus wrapped in salmon as well, as they look great together and both have a sense of extravagance that will impress your guest. 

Parma ham is delicious but also easy to come across, it is available in most supermarkets, which is the reason why I choose it in this recipe, but you can experiment with other cured hams. The most important thing in this recipe is that the ham is wafer thin; it will make a big difference to the texture.


  • 16 large Strawberries
  • 16 thin strips of Parma ham
  • 1 tsp olive oil


  1. Wrap a small strip of Parma ham around a strawberry, arrange them on a plate and drizzle with a little olive oil.

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