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Scallops Wrapped In Bacon

16:37 Mon 24th May 2010 |

Serves 4

Scallops are tender, delicate and delicious, they are wonderful to cook for a dinner party especially when you are trying to impress, and perfect if you are planning a romantic meal for two. As well as scallops being a special treat, they are so quick to cook; they taste their best when only cooked for a few minutes, so you won’t be in the kitchen long.

Scallops wrapped in bacon are a perfect starter, delicious but light, leaving your guest wanting more and waiting in anticipation for the main course. Bacon is undoubtedly delicious and the wonderful bacon flavour soaks in to the scallops when cooking, adding a richer flavour to a luxurious starter.  Scallops wrapped in bacon goes perfectly with a glass of white wine.


  • 20 rashes of thin streaky bacon
  • 20 scallops
  • 1 lemon
  • 5 tbsp Olive oil


  1. Marinade the scallops in olive oil and lemon juice, leave for an hour.
  2. Then wrap the bacon around the scallop.
  3. Grill for 2 minutes each side, or until bacon is cooked.
  4. If you like you bacon well done grill the bacon beforehand then wrap it round the scallops and grill.

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