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Pan Fried Scallops And Asparagus

16:37 Mon 24th May 2010 |

Serves 2

Scallops are complemented beautifully by gently sautéed asparagus.  Scallops have a very delicate flavour unlike a lot of seafood. They are sweet and mild with a firm texture but still very tender.

Asparagus season is in April and they are by far at their best, during spring, they are far smaller and very tender but still have a slight crunch.
Pan fried scallops and asparagus makes a beautiful starter and are wonderful in summer, when you crave something light and fresh but still want full, delicious flavours. Asparagus and scallops are both luxurious ingredients, and the best way to enjoy and make the most of their flavours is by doing very little with them. A little garlic salt is all you need to make asparagus taste stunning.

If you are trying to be healthier pan-fried scallops and asparagus served with rice or new potatoes makes a fabulous low fat, nutritious dinner, that tastes delicious.


  • 8 scallops
  • 1 bunch of asparagus
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • Garlic salt
  • Salt and pepper


  1. Heat a little oil in a frying pan and sauté the asparagus until tender, about 6 minutes. Season with garlic salt.
  2. Pat scallops dry and season with salt and pepper. Heat the rest of the oil in the frying pan on medium heat. Cook the scallops in for 2-3 minutes either side, they cook every quickly. Cook in batches.
  3. Sever scallops with asparagus.

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