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Healing a hangover

01:00 Fri 08th Dec 2000 |

By Nicola Shepherd

YOU'VE made it through the holiday season, but probably not without a few of the mornings after the night before.

So what caused the problem And was there really any benefit to the 'hair of the dog' remedy you tried

You should always remember that clear drinks do far less damage than darker drinks. So, abandon the rum, red wine and liqueurs in favour of white wine and vodka. But never mix them.

Fresh air and exercise are good morning-after helpers.

Which brings us to the 'hair of the dog' school of hangover cures. A recent Which survey revealed that only one in 10 people swear by a touch of the 'dog that bit you.'

The rest stuck to tried and tested water and aspirin, although paracetamol is more effective, along with anything containing ibuprofen.

Water is the key. Or rather a lack of it. A hangover is caused by the dehydrating effects of alcohol. Your brain shrinks as a result and that's why you get headaches.

Drink water before, during and after your drinking session, all through the night, when you get up in the morning and throughout the next day. Water, water and more water. Coffee has a dehydrating effect - the very opposite of what you need.

A fry-up isn't the answer either. It might make you feel better - the fat releases endorphins which make you happy. But it will only make you emotionally, not physically, more capable.

American students swear by Slush Puppies with fizzy sherbet or a concoction of cheese, chillies and beer.

Have you got any sure-fire remedies Why not visitThe AnswerBank message boards to share your hangover remedies.

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