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Easy Sticky BBQ Ribs

16:36 Mon 24th May 2010 |

Serves 6

Ribs always taste amazing, unfortunately many of us are never quite sure if we should order sticky BBQ ribs in a restaurant, it is far too messy but tastes so good. The question of how you should eat ribs in a restaurant, in front of people you don’t know, lingers over your choice. Do you risk getting stuck in there and getting your hands messy and sticky, like you really should and really want to, or do you try and save face and pretend to be elegant, which is just not the way BBQ ribs should be eaten.

Sticky BBQ ribs are best in summer on a Barbecue, and with this easy recipe there is absolutely no reason to sit is a restaurant deliberating your fate.  Get stuck in there and embrace the sticky, fun, mess and wonderfully meaty scrumptious flavours. If the weather isn’t so perfect you can cook them in your oven and they still taste equally as wonderful.


  • 1kg thick meaty pork ribs
  • 160ml bbq sauce
  • 75ml apple juice
  • 2tbsp chilli sauce


  1. Mix the apple juice, bbq sauce and chilli sauce. Coat the ribs in the sauce and leave to marinade for at least 1 hour, over night is best.
  2. Heat the oven to 170C or gas. Place the ribs on a baking tray and cook for 30 minutes, making sure you coat the ribs in the marinade twice while cooking.
  3.  Alternatively heat a BBQ and grill it for 20 minutes either side, regularly coating the ribs in the marinade.

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