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Has Anyone Been In This Situation?

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abbeyleigh | 14:43 Sun 04th Jun 2023 | Family & Relationships
17 Answers
I feel so lonely and depressed like all my friends got partners or work different shifts and sick of staying in


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Aw Abbey. Yes, in my late twenties so many of my friends were finding partners and there were times, mainly Sundays, for some reason I felt very low. I was happier to get back to work with colleagues and meet people. I also got a dog which saved me from getting any worse. Taking her for a walk worked wonders, often chatting with other dog-walkers, some of whom were...
16:57 Sun 04th Jun 2023
Abbie, you have posted similar queries before, which led to discussions about depression, simply being fed-up and so on. Did any of the earlier advice help you at all?
You always seem to be going out and about.
Not really. In fact if anyone invites me out I wait till they say the date and have a handy ready made excuse! It would mean I have to put underwear on and I just don't have the commitment any more :).
I wondered if you'd ever thought about undertaking some training so you voted have a career rather than a job?
All fur coat and no knickers hey, Bednobs?
Can you get a job where you work the same hours as your friends?
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No guarantee you on same shift when it shift work then they might feel like going out
How many friends do you have in the group, Abbey?
I feel like that often, but having come back inside just plenty of children having fun on my doorstep brings a jolly smile to oneself
Maybe you'll make some new friends in your current place, people who're on the same shifts as you?
Aw Abbey. Yes, in my late twenties so many of my friends were finding partners and there were times, mainly Sundays, for some reason I felt very low. I was happier to get back to work with colleagues and meet people.
I also got a dog which saved me from getting any worse. Taking her for a walk worked wonders, often chatting with other dog-walkers, some of whom were in a worse situation than I was. Helping them also helped me .That was my reward.
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I volunteer down dogs home and it does help
So do I Abbey :). Retired greyhounds always need a walk near me.
I'd love to walk a retired greyhound as I miss my old lurcher so much sometimes...but there's no where nearby. And I'm not so fit anymore.
Can you do anymore volunteer work Abbey...the good thing about it is that you meet all sorts of people.
TBH Abbey, even we oldies feel the same sometimes. That's one reason I miss my dog...I got to talk to more folk during the day.
So true pastafreak. I once wrote a list of all the dogs and their owners that I met often, in just one of the parks here. The list totalled 75 which really surprised me .
No not at all, even when I've been on my own. Get over it and get out there.

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