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pensions scam

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rosamundjohn | 22:21 Mon 12th Mar 2012 | Business & Finance
59 Answers
i was born in 1954 so I today have been sent a letter saying that I MAY-note May- be able to claim a state pension in 2020 but not necessarily on my birthday.
Excuse me? i am being robbed. Worked all my life, paid my NI for MORE than 30 years. I will be dead before I get anything back as many of my friends are.
Comments and suggestions please.


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>>>In my experience the people here who moan about ' scrounging immigrants'

Most UK people who go to live abroad take some sort of pension with them and do not become "scrounging immigrants" but actually spend their pension in that country, benefiting the local economy.

Unfortunately we are so weak and stupid we let anyone in, even if they have no...
23:31 Mon 12th Mar 2012
Are you going to bring this up every few months until 2020 rosamund?


You won't live to collect it if you keep getting so worked up about it. I do sympathise, really I do, but at the risk of getting a whack, calm down dear.
factor. Why does a woman receive her pension at the age of 60? Probably because she deserves it. Not many women can claom a fullpension for 30 years work. Think about it. Pregnancy, birth, breast feeding, looking after pre-schoolchildren. Go back forty, fifty years. Men expected women to be at home to look after them. Three meals a day, washing and ironing done. Few household appliances. Clean houses, obedient children,A jhaven for a man who was at liberty to go out at night whenever he chose leaving his wife to cope with the children. Much reduced contraception. Men expecting sex whenever they felt like it. The outcome not their problem. Most women actually die before collecting 20 years of state pension, at a reduced rate.
It would be great if like Greece we could all retire on big pensions at 50- but look what has happened there. Someone has to pay for it but no-one wants to - we all want someone else to pay
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The Corbyloon
No I won't. I don't scrounge-i just work and pay....
I'll have worked 30 years this year and still have at least another 20 to go - that's just the way it is. I have contributed to my own pension for the last 28 years so hopefully will be able to give up full time work a wee bit earlier and just work part time.
The change in women's pension age from 60 to 65 is well overdue - on average women received a pension for nearly twice as long as men - 23 years (start at 60 - average age of death 83) as opposed to 12 years (65 - 77).

This was particularly unfair given that women (by and large) also paid less into the system (even giving due credit for 'career breaks' whilst rearing children).

The change from 65 to 66 (and ultimately 67, 68) applies to men and women alike and is a reflection of the improvement in health which has lead to extended life expectancy.
If you leave this country then you'll be an immigrant in the new country whether you work there or no.
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DaisyDonna well said!
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Corby-i can go where i like providing i can support myself
Hi DaisyNonna- I accept that not all women got a full pension at age 60. You did not mention the fact that women live longer than men on average though and therefore receive the pension for longer.

I think the argument/topic has been widened somewhat if you feel the pension rules should take account of "men expecting sex whenever they felt like it".
My husband is still working as hard as ever at the age of 62!.....he says he'll never retire, because he'll never be able to afford to!'s true, but very sad!..........
You said you were paying for immigrants as if they do not contribute anything to this country. How would you feel if the folk in the new country said the same about you?
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Factor-women live longer because they work harder.They also work at home or are you going to tell me you that you also do the housework and look after the children whilst also maintaining a full time job?
men sit down
They are increasing the retirement age and the number of years' contriibutions needed in Spain by the way...
When the retirement age was set the average lifespan was considerably shorter than it is today.

People can't expect to be living longer and retiring at the same age
In my experience the people here who moan about ' scrounging immigrants' and then decide to move abroad to escape what has befallen dear old blighty at their hands never see the irony in what they're doing Corby ;-)
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jake-my friends are dying around me.
"women live longer because they work harder"

stereotypical b*ll*cks !!
Where are you planning to emigrate to by the way?
Haha rosamundjon- I work part time and do the housework while my wife is at work. However we have made sacrifices by putting fairly significant sums away in works pensions so that we won't be so reliant on the state pension and can survive if the goalposts are moved again
But these discussions about women working harder and having to provide sex are going off at tangents now so I'll leave you to it.

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