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Would you consider buying prescription drugs on the internet?

Prescription drugs are increasingly easy to buy online. Despite the potential dangers involved, people are putting their health at risk in their search for specialist cures. Would you consider buying prescription drugs on the internet?

Results ★

I would never do it. There is a good chance that the drugs would be tainted and could cause massive damage to my body. If you need a prescription then the doctor should be the only option
If I hadn't got a prescription and had no other option open to me then I would consider buying drugs online. If there was a chance that it would help me get better then it is worth the risk.
have already bought prescription drugs online. I didn't have a problem with the process and would do it again if I needed to
I had a bad experience buying drugs on the internet. It's too much of a risk to put your health on the line and I wouldn't do it again

Prescription drugs are increasingly easy to buy online. Despite the potential dangers involved, people are putting their health at risk in their search for specialist �cures�. Would you consider buying prescription drugs on the internet?

Total: 498
A.I would never do it. There is a good chance that the drugs would be tainted and could cause massive damage to my body. If you need a prescription then the doctor should be the only option74.10 %369
B.If I hadn't got a prescription and had no other option open to me then I would consider buying drugs online. If there was a chance that it would help me get better then it is worth the risk. 18.88 %94
C. have already bought prescription drugs online. I didn't have a problem with the process and would do it again if I needed to6.43 %32
D.I had a bad experience buying drugs on the internet. It's too much of a risk to put your health on the line and I wouldn't do it again0.60 %3
Stats until: 02:27 Sat 27th Jul 2024 (Refreshed every 5 minutes)