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Some quick questions

01:00 Wed 10th Oct 2001 |

How many did you get right

Q.� True or False: there are over 200 bones in the human body
A.� It is true.

Q.� How many different tastes can your tongue distinguish
A.� Five: sweet, salt, sour, bitter, and savoury. The flavour of foods is defined by a blend of these five ��tastes, together with texture, and aroma.

Q.� Whose last words were: " Either that wall paper goes, or I do"
A.� Oscar Wilde.

Q.� What is a busman's holiday
A.� When a holiday is spent doing the same thing one does at work. Specifically, a bus driver spending his holiday on a bus journey.

Q.What is measured by a sphygmomanometer
A.� The sphygmomanometer is the formal name for the inflatable cuff that the doctor puts round a patient's arm to measure blood pressure.

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