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HELP! I can no longer walk!

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Scarlett | 17:28 Tue 05th Jul 2011 | Body & Soul
10 Answers
My joints have been bad for ages, and seem to be worse in hot/humid weather, but for the past week my knee has just given way. It has several faults according to the MRI scan. I haven't left the house for 4 days and today I HAD to go and teach a group after school. It was okay, but gave way on the way back up the stairs. I've bandaged it up but basically, I'm stuck. It feels all 'wrong' and mangled inside. It's really painful and gives way from the back and side when I stand or walk. Thing is, what can I do?! I've asked my GP if I can see a specialist privately, but even then an operation will be months away. I can't even get to the loo and back!


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If it is that bad I would suggest you ask for an urgent referral and stop trying to get about on it... also ask for an urgent home ot assessment as they may be able to help with temporary aids and adaptations to make things a bit easier for you. Things like raised toilet seats will sop you putting so much pressure through the joint when you have to stand...daft as it...
18:33 Tue 05th Jul 2011
Hi Scarlett,
is it possible for you to hire a wheelchair temporarily till you can see the specialist? So sorry, I'm not sure what else you can do.
If it is that bad I would suggest you ask for an urgent referral and stop trying to get about on it... also ask for an urgent home ot assessment as they may be able to help with temporary aids and adaptations to make things a bit easier for you. Things like raised toilet seats will sop you putting so much pressure through the joint when you have to stand...daft as it sounds a zimmer frame might be your best friend in the short term as you can get almost all the weight of your knee if you use it properly ....and when you have to go to hospital appointments grab a wheelchair while you are their and if needed get a porter to push you to your clinic/x ray etc When you are on the NHS waiting list phone the consultants secretary every week or two to see if they have a cancellation if you keep in their mind you may get it done sooner
would a walking stick help, if one leg is still usable?
If the joint is that unstable for safety alon a zimmer or possibly even crutches (if Scarletts upper body is in bertter shape) would help... the GP should be able to access a community physio for assessment and provision of mobility aids. Not sure what your finances are like but you can hire mobility scooters if you really need to get about but they are quite expensive
While you wait for docs you could get a zimmer frame from local Red Cross; hope your suffering is sorted soon.....The Red Cross will also alert your hospital.
sorry to hear of your probs Scarlett - some useful suggestions already posted which is food for thought - hope you get sorted
You should not use any mobility aid unless you have been properly assessed by a trained person and shown how to use it correctly things like not quite being at the ideal height can cause real problems
I'd go to A&E............I used to be like that when my knee dislocated and hadn't gone back properly, A&E used to pop mine back in (I've now got a pin in it)
If things are on go slow via you GP, are you seeing rhumatology if connected to your UC? If so, could they (maybe have a chat with a rhumo nurse?) suggest anything that could help in the meantime or refer? I'd have thought they'd have good knowledge of, if not access to, mobility assistance aids/services with the conditions they deal with.
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Thanks everyone- I have a rheumatology appointment tomorrow, if I can get there, although my blood tests (in March!) showed I was within the normal limits showing no active arthritis, so I'm not sure he is going to be very sympathetic.

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HELP! I can no longer walk!

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