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Welcome to Body & Soul: for Health, Healing and Help!

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Who has the best voice that has been gritted up by cigarettes? I'm gonna say Marianne Faithfull.
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i have had a hysterectomy, are smear tests necessary
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is there anyone on the site today who is a trained samaritan counsellor, know an odd question be patient.
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Why was my question about women ******* standing up banned?
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Has anyone got a really good way of keeping hair spikey - mine seems to go flat before I've even left the house!! I've tried gels, sprays, mousse, putty, wax, you name it but it still goes flat really...
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I am very tempted to try to make a go of things with an ex girlfriend of mine. We get on good its just the distanc eand some issues i have with my depression that got in the way before. We text each...
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wonder years
i was at work tonight and reliszied just in time i.d forgotten to put on my lottery, and had to phone home quick and ask hubby to put it on, then that got me wondering, could you forgive your partner,...
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It all kicked off with my neighbours last night and now there's blood on the communal floor of the entrance hall. How long is reasonable to give them to clean it up before I go and ask them to do it?
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I had a hysterectomy some time ago, my G.P. says I do not need to have smears. Is this correct?
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I'm going on hols in exactly ONE week today and i'm normally on my period around this time and it lasts for a week. Only thing is i realllllly don't want to wear a tampon in the pool. I only started...
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Hey wonder if anyone can help me? I keep waking up in the night and when i stretch my leg i get this really sharp practically unbearable pain in my calf muscle and my whole muscle freezes up and it...
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Who or what dictates fashion?
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Recently i have been having trouble being comfortable with other people around and maintaining eye contact... i think it is because i lack confidence....does anyone have any suggestions on my problem?
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which colour is your absolute favourite to wear and which colour wouldnt you wear either because it doesn't suit you or you just don't like it? My favourite colour to wear is deep red, so much so that...
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i have now set up my ebay shop anyone wanna give me a review on it? check it out here more items added when i can.
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my boyfriend has come to see me, he is leaving tomorrow to work away for good. But since he has come here, I have not stopped crying! How can I stop (he has popped out to get some grub) Help please
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i had lost over a stone in weight but was told by a few people i was looking to skinny so decided to put a few pounds back on the problem is it always goes on around my waist and midriff and nowhere...
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Has anyone heard of or tried using magnets to help with period pain? I have heard that a magnet on the front of your abdomen can help, and that Avon used to sell a product along these line? Anyone...
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For a week now i have had a bad knee cant put full weight on my leg and it hurts so bad sometimes it keeps me awake. have had an elastic bandage on but does not seem to help, could it be a cartilage...

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