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My pet rabbit is pregnant, how many bunnies are likely to be born

01:00 Mon 18th Mar 2002 |

A.� A rabbit usually produces between 3 and 9 bunnies in a litter. When they're born they're blind and helpless.

Q.� How many litters will she produce a year A.� Females may produce several litters a year, usually in the spring and summer.

Q.� How long do pet rabbits live for

A.� Quite a long time, something to keep in mind when choosing one for your family pet. Domestic rabbits live for around 5 to 10 years.

Q.� What should I feed my pet rabbit

A.� Lots of grass hay and dark green leafy vegetables. Contrary to the popular image, carrots should be used sparingly, as a treat.

Don't be shocked to find your rabbit eating what appear to be its own faeces. Rabbits actually make part of their own food: the cecum is an area of the rabbit's intestine that packages vitamins and partially digested fibre into little clusters that the rabbit eats. They're known as cecotropes and are softer and more irregular in shape than dry, round rabbit faeces.

Don't forget to give it lots of fresh water too.

Q.� How big should my rabbit's cage be

A.� Rabbits need exercise, so the cage should have enough for them to be able to trot around in. It should also be high enough for your rabbit to stand up on its hind legs.

Avoid any cage materials that have been chemically treated or painted, have sharp edges, or might come apart into sharp, indigestible shards when chewed.

Q.� Can I keep my rabbit outside

A.� Yes, but keep it out of direct sunlight and in a sung spot for when the weather is cold. Make sure that the rabbit is also protected from would be predators, like cats and foxes. Even if a predator can't physically get to your rabbit, it can literally scare it to death, so make sure your rabbit has somewhere it hide in its cage to make it feel secure when unwelcome visitors are about.

Q.� How long have people kept pet rabbits

A.� The domestic rabbit is a descendant of the wild European rabbit. Rabbits were introduced to the UK by the Romans who kept them in fenced off warrens and harvested their meat and fur.

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by Lisa Cardy

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