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janetsflower | 19:54 Fri 15th Dec 2006 | Family & Relationships
5 Answers
Should children be placed for adoption when social services have removed them from the care of their parents? what views do you have, do you think different circumstances dictate that they should and if so what? I would be interested to hear any views/experinces


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As you intimate, in some cases its warrented, but you have to have a knowledge of each case to pass a judgement, but here in Essex, this year, there was a case where the mother was a bit slow, (mentally), the father and family helped, she was perfectly capable of looking after the children, and loved them to bits, but they were taken away and put up for adoption, In my opinion, this was wrong, but I personally didn't know the family, only what I read in the paper, so I don't know the intimate details.
But if it was as reported, definately wrong.
i understand that kids cannot be put up for adoption without the natural parents agreement, unless there very retarded or in some way incapable of caring for them.
it would be very wrong and illegal otherwise, i think.
I don't think it is true that the parents permission is required judging by some cases you read about. It seems that once children are taken away by social services, it can be hard to get them back.

I do know that if your baby is adopted - as mine was in the early 60's when I was a teenager - you never get over it. I searched for him for years and fortunately I was re-united with him after 38 years and now have a loving and close relationship with him for which I will be eternally grateful.
Its true, Social Services don't need permission to take any child into care, they just have to justify, (right or wrong), their reasons, probably in about 60% of cases, they are wrong, but you'll never get them to admit it.
Hi, I personally believe that if a child has been put at risk of harm by any of it's parents actions and is taken into care as a result of them, then the parents have automatically lost their rights over the child. The welfare of the child is paramount. Every child has the right to be brought up in a loving home, by adults who love and care for them and who will put their own needs second to that of their children.

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