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mibn2cweus | 01:15 Tue 01st Apr 2008 | Religion & Spirituality
2435 Answers
Since Naomi will not give me the ****ing key I have decided to follow Jesus and be a Christian just like Theland. I am ashamed of my past history here so I'm going to devote the time I used to spend on ab to reading the Bible. No question really because I no longer care about what people think. I'll get all my answers from God from now on thank you.


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Wish me luck. I go back to work in the morning, to a different dock a few miles away, on a ship called the, "Bayleaf," which I understand is a wreck, and needs six months work, covered in oil everywhere, and generally not nice. Here's hoping i can cope!
Almost 36 years married, so bought Mrs T a great big 46 inch TV so the crap she watches is now even bigger.
She bought me a DAB wireless, God bless her, as my first love is the sound only box!
36 years? Bloody 'ell! If i committed murder I would have been out by now!
Her purse? Oh Theland! What an old romantic you are!!

(I can't complain. My husband is abroad on business at the moment - and will be gone for another week yet - and yesterday a huge bouquet arrived with the message 'missing you' attached. Not bad, eh? Ahhhh).

Your question to ponder at bedtime tonight, dear friends. Are you romantic? For the men, do you believe in treating a lady as a lady? Do you like to feel protective? (And Starman, no ducking this question please!).

And for China. Do you like to be treated as a lady - or do you prefer to be treated as 'one of the boys'?

My view? Call me old fashioned if you like, but to me it's incredibly important to be treated as a lady. I like good manners, and nothing less will do.

Night everyone, sleep tight.. Mwah! x
I'm all for chocolates, flowers, and little surprises, just to let her know that I love her, and then it keeps her quiet whilst I sneak off to the pub or the off license!
(I always bring her back some crisps though!)
Seriously, I am really old fashioned, and take care of her, as I promised her Dad, and will always do so.
Showing my love in many small ways, rather than the big gesture, is what I try to do.
My last big gesture was taking her to the Echo arena to see Bryan Adams, the next was today, buying that big stupid T.V. - but she likes it.
I give her ALL of my wages - does that count?
Mr 24 has it right. Now what are you going to do for him, when he returns home?
Oh, I remember now, you will present him with a pot of paint and some brushes! You old romantic, Naomi!
Present him with a pot of paint and some brushes! Who me? Never! He'll have to buy his own.

I must say, reading around the threads, Theland, you seem to be back on top form. Great! Keep it up.

Have a good day at work.

Starman, you've been around sprinkling your stars, but there's no word from you, so are we to assume you've ducked the question, or are you saving it for later?
Hmm ... not exactly buzzing with sparkling conversation around here, is it. Is everyone ok?
Question Author
The hurrier I go the behinderer I get.

First things first: I've a work in progress on the last few but while we're waiting here's a response to prior question/s which I withheld at the time not wishing to clash with the then prevailing theme.

Re: {Beautifully said, Starman ...... but, with the sentence copied below, I'm not sure whether you are referring to your own childhood experiences at the hands of those who abandoned reason, or to those who cause others to enter into conflict . Additionally, how you would wish to see those who abandon reason, treated?�

hell does exist and that it is a place on Earth created by those who have abandoned reason and therefore are no longer entitled to be defined or treated as human }

In general, war is hell, but I was referring specifically to the taste of hell my father experienced while trying to rescue those he could from the burning wreckage only to deliver them and himself into the hands of the enemy. As if this nightmare scenario wasn�t enough, the psychological damage lead him eventually to surrender his will and reason to what must be humanities most injurious symbol of unreason, the god whose sense of justice is to sacrifice the �good� for the sake of an �evil� imposed on every human being that exists by virtue of birth for the ancestral �sin� of having eaten from the tree of knowledge. Hitler was merely a school boy in comparison to the chaos generated by the monstrous religious childhood indoctrination that it is evil to think.
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Those who have been raised to respect the ability of their own mind to grasp and deal with reality and who have been taught that the rational pursuit of their own interest is not only acceptable but a moral imperative that ultimately serves the best interest of us all will not allow themselves to become puppets and slaves to the irrational whims of dictators. Without mindless automatons to do their bidding dictators are powerless to pursue their bloodthirsty ambitions and achieve their destructive inhuman goals. Left to their own impotence those who deny and despise reason do not require our intervention. Reality will lead them unwittingly to the only end they have any right to achieve, their own self-annihilation.

Deprived of the benefits of the products of reason created by those who�s minds are devoted to reason, those who have chosen instead to worship a non-existent god would soon discover that the path they have taken is a short cut to their own non-existence. As one who appreciates the benefits of living freely amongst other rational people the only justifiable or necessary form of intervention is to illuminate the sign posts.

Justice is for the most part a naturally occurring phenomenon requiring of us only that we separate ourselves from the fray, step aside and allow due process to run its course. It is only when we stir the pot and thereby lend the power of reason to the fulfillment of irrational and unjust motives that we unleash upon the world their destructive force. A fire deprived of fuel will consume itself. It is from the lessons learned from such ashes the Phoenix bird rises to build a better day.
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ intermission ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Question Author
Your question to ponder at bedtime tonight, dear friends. Are you romantic? For the men, do you believe in treating a lady as a lady? Do you like to feel protective? (And Starman, no ducking this question please!).

Within the context of your own mind, based on your grasp of reality and your ability to objectively discern, evaluate and judge, I am what you believe me to be and to you can be no more. It is therefore with your appraisal of my assertions I leave you to draw your own conclusions.

To be romantic is to regard reality precisely as it is, to determine what it could be and to make it what it should be as much as possibility will allow. Based on your agreement with this definition and all that you have observed to what extent do I fit within and conform to this paradigm?

A lady, besides the obvious distinction of being a female representative of the human species, is someone who understands, appreciates and conforms to their proper relationship to reality as such. To the extent you have been able to fulfill this requirement I would be remiss not to acknowledge your success.

As one who values my own existence and who appreciates the advantages to be realised by protecting and defending each others freedom to acknowledge and take responsibility for our own lives, seeing to it that reason and justice prevails for everyone is a feeling that is real only to those who understand the importance of and strive to meet the requirements necessary to promote the fulfillment of this worthy objective.
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I suppose that there are few more worthwhile or profound feelings one can experience than that derived from providing an environment in which a mother can raise a child to become a self-respecting responsible adult with an appreciation for and indebtedness to the essential value that is freedom with a degree of success whereby they are likewise instilled with a desire to themselves bring another human being into a world where if such is not the predominant understanding it is none the less their own. Such is the source and destination of my desire to be protective of anyone, be they woman, child, brother, or friend, who embodies this ideal.

If this in your estimation constitutes �ducking the question� then in your eyes I stand guilty as charged. This is the best and only answer I am prepared to provide up to this moment. I will continue to strive for improvement fully aware of the vast room available for such and believe I will being the romantic that I am. With due apologies for any disappointment this has rendered, remember it was you who put me on the spot. Perhaps you would find the quality of my answers respond favorably to a more inviting and less demanding approach, not that I�m complaining . . . nor offering any guarantees . . .

? ? ? ?

. . . well at least the intermission was good . . . wasn�t it?
I'm sorry Mibs, your contract as a Mills and Boone author has just been termnated!
From memory only, I confesss, the romantic side of a relationship, (before it develops into a companionship / freindship relationship that is so satisfying), is so much more than the cold and calculating logical and reasoning claptrap as you ascertained above.
Logic? Reason? Romance? Phooey!!!!
The whole point of romance is to throw out logic and reason, and bathe in the raw emotions of hot blooded infatuation and love, throwing care to the winds and living by faith alone and and a an unsubstantiated belief in the ability of the object of your desire to satisfy your every need!
It worked for me!
Cold calculation has no place in love!
Loved the Rick Wright intermission - so sad!
Been a PF fan since 1967 See Emily Play
On the news today - a national shortage of sperm donors!
Now, should I consider this as a career move?
What are the hours?
How many days off?
What health & safety rules must I conform to?
But, most important, do you lot think I have the talent for a job like this?
I could always send free samples to my friends!
(Well, cheap ones anyway!)
Been a pig tonight and drank 8 beers - look at the time
Off to be d now
Question Author
8 cold ones then off to bed . . . how romantical

I rest my case your honour.

~" Buuuurrrpph!!! "~ . . . lovely
Haaaaa! That sounds delightful, Theland. You certainly know how to turn a girl on! Nothing more enticing that a man stinking of beer - especially a man who leaves his socks on! Yuk!

(Anyway, where have you been while I've been getting it in the neck on your thread? So much for the support of your friends, huh?!!).

Mibs, it sounds as though romance has completely passed you by, but having said that, from some of the lovely cyber gifts you've sent me (beautiful music and flowers) I can't quite believe it. I get the feeling that if I were to scratch slightly below the armoured, practical, safe veneer, I'd find a very soft and vulnerable spot that is deliberately kept hidden for fear of possible bruising. I can't imagine that, unlike many of us, you ever threw caution to the wind and allowed yourself to do anything that wasn't absolutely wise, but, of course, I don't know you, and I could be very wrong. What a complex creature you are - more of an enigma than ever. I wish I really were Miss Marple!
I am sooooooo hungover. And I'm moving out tomorrow and have no where to live. On the plus side, out for drinkies last night with manager/friend, office eye candy and a couple of guys in the office and went home to my own bed.... annoyingly.... No, it's a good thing.

In other news someone tried to break in to my house on Wednesday night, I locked myself in the bathroom and called 999 and then of course, my daddy! I've never been so scared. All ok now though.

Erm.... That's it really I think.

Questions - Do I prefer to be treated like one of the boys? I've never thought about it. I prefer to be treated as an equal. I don't need protecting, I don't need or want to be walked home, I don't want flowers because you hacked me off (I want a damn apology), I probably know as much about music, films, books, politics etc as any guy I've ever met if not more so I don't appreciate any guy who thinks they have a monopoly on this. I do drink, I do swear (quite a lot actually), I do like dirty and tasteless jokes, I enjoy sex too,I don't like soppy films, Mills and Boon should be tied for crimes to humanity and I can pay for my own bl00dy dinner too. My wrists are even strong enough to open my own door but I appreciate the gesture. Like I said, I'm any guys equal and that's how I like to be treated. I define people by who they are and not by their sex and I expect others to do the same to me.

Am I romantic? I have my own notions on romance so in that way yes I am however, in the general sense, no. I find it false.

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