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mibn2cweus | 01:15 Tue 01st Apr 2008 | Religion & Spirituality
2435 Answers
Since Naomi will not give me the ****ing key I have decided to follow Jesus and be a Christian just like Theland. I am ashamed of my past history here so I'm going to devote the time I used to spend on ab to reading the Bible. No question really because I no longer care about what people think. I'll get all my answers from God from now on thank you.


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Naomi, yes, sadly, I am still smoking, when a few months ago I thought i had quit forever.
I am returning to work on Monday, having a few days off to try and get well again.
The job is a bit too much for me physically, but regarding the engineering, nothing I can't cope with.
I'm off to Chester cathedral in the morning to see my son, Stephen, graduate, and get ripped off for hiring the cap and gown and paying through the nose for photographs. But, it has to be done, and it is, after all, a "one off."
I think Obama is simply too inexperienced to deliver on his momentous promises, and as such will make a mess of an already incredible mess.
Oh drat - I've forgotten how to do that bit of magic where you substitute a word for the URL.
Could somebody refresh my memory?
Let's try:
my label
Yippeee! did it!
Well done, Theland!! I always have to check to see how it's done - but I can rarely be bothered to do it. Smacked legs for laziness!! Must try ....etc....etc.....

Obama - inexperienced - but perhaps that will work in his favour - and ours. Maybe that means fresh ideas. Bearing in mind the mess the 'experienced' have made, this could be a postive outcome. I think he's brought a sense of hope, but whether he can live up to it remains to be seen. It's not the easiest job in the world, but he can't possibly be worse than Bush, can he? And look at the alternative. Dopey, dangerous, Sarah Palin wielding enormous influence over the world. 'Heaven help us all!!!!

Luna, are you around? Are you ok?

China, what's happening?

Going to bed now. Night everyone. Sleep tight. x
Yes, I'm outof touch with the news on here.
China and Luna, what are you too up to lately?
Sorry, "Two."
Obama - I long suspected that he would not give the support to Israel that is the United States traditional position. I now think I am right, and that Obama will be more sympathetic to muslims both home and abroad, and this will undoubtedly affect foreign policy.
Barack Hussein Obamas father was Arab, not african negro, and this is even stated on his birth certificate. Obama is a former muslim, and has had too much involvement with muslims at home and abroad to convince me and many others that he is not going to stand for the traditional Christian values of the American people, but allow them to be undermined by concessions to Islam.
Ah, I see. It's that 'promised land' again, an issue that will never be resolved on current policies. There are two sides to every coin, something that, in this case, neither side will acknowledge. Perhaps he will attempt to change that. I can't see him being anti-American. President or not, his feet wouldn't touch the ground.
I've not really read any of this throughly, sorry guys but I'm just too stressed and too busy right now to get that involved. House hunting etc..

On a lighter note, office eye candy and I went back to his again last night. I think we're still just friends though. How very random.
Splutter, splutter, cough, cough. Errr.... excuse me, young lady. What do you mean AGAIN? The whole story, if you please - and make it snappy. I NEED to know!!!

(By the way China, just finished reading A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini, author of The Kite Runner. Have you read it? If not, I highly recommend it. Brilliant!!).
Well it appears there's a leaving drinks theme to our getting together. It just got late and we were a bit drunkled and he asked how I was getting home and said I could come back to his and blah blah blah... He doesn't want to lead me on apparently so I'm guessing that means it's a casual thing... No idea. Anyway, all done now so I'd really quite like to go home and get some sleep.

However it did mean I slept in a nice house for a change of late!
In spectacular fashion I've just been having a discussion on the phone with my ex/best friend about my decision to not getting drunk and sleeping with the guy again since if there are feelings involved it'll just stressful down the line... Among several other things....

And he's just come out of the loo! I thought I saw him go downstairs otherwise I'd have never said any of that in while being inside the damn building!

There was also a great bit about him not occupying the same head space my ex once did yet as I hardly know him really. Wonderful.

I think I need a hole even smaller than a mouse hole now!
Oh bu&&er!! Right, logical head on. Mouse holes definitely aren't an option for a girl like you, so don't even think about it. OK, it's not the end of the world, but the fact is, it's happened, and you can't turn the clock back, so hold your head high and take it in your stride. After all, chances are if he was in the loo, he didn't hear what you said. All you can do is play it by ear now, and see what develops - but while you're doing that, don't forget to keep that head high. It's important.
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What! No toast?

I suppose I shouldn't say anything. As I remember it didn't exactly turn out as anticipated for me either.
Oh China! Is it Mills and Boon bodice ripping by moonlight?
Please tell me the word, "love," was, or is, going to be used, with a bead of persperation on your upper lip, and a flutter in your heart!
Give him this address, and Mibs, Naomi, Luna and I will run a check on him, to make sure he is 24 carat, and threaten him with a boot up the jacksy if he treats you other than extremely wonderful.
Now, come on chaps. Toast and bodice-ripping. Is that all you can offer for our China's dilemma? Smacked legs all round!! (Go on, tell me you like it. That would never surprise me. Men!! No heart!!).
I'm thinking of Catherine Cookson, the sound of frillies being ripped off in a heated moment of passion.
I do it all of the time when I'm looking for her purse!
Those three magic words,
"Where's your purse?"

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