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Have You Really Come to Know God?

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Elderman | 15:20 Thu 22nd Dec 2011 | Religion & Spirituality
250 Answers
Many persons know about God. They may live in communities where most citizens claim to believe that he exists. But does this mean that they really know God? Well, there is a difference in knowing about the ruler of the country where one lives and in having a personal acquaintance with him. So, too, with knowing God.


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Time to draw a line under this one, methinks - it's just going round in circles now.
Would these be metaphorical circles or real ones like halos.
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//Roll up, Roll up! Latest Cut and Paste news//

The point is no human can possibly grasp all aspects of the personality and powers of the Almighty. In ancient times, King David wrote that Gods “greatness is unsearchable.” (Psalm 145:3) After considering some of God’s creative works, Job exclaimed: “Look! These are the fringes of his ways, and what a whisper of a matter has been heard of him! But of his mighty thunder who can show an understanding?”—Job 26:14.
If you happen to believe in the Almighty in the first instance - which many folk do not and some have a more metaphysical Einstein view of God , certainly not in the form expressed in the Bible. Try reading Paul Schilpp if you need to better understand more of this view.
Elderman //But of [God's] mighty thunder who can show an understanding?” —Job 26:14. //

Science has had a very good understanding of thunder for a long time.
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Life-bringing wisdom differs far from what this world has. The wisdom of this world has brought it to its woeful state, and by the wisdom of this world there is no possibility either of getting out of this woeful state or of at last gaining life in happiness.
The wisdom of this world is from below, from beneath, from man, who lean upon their own understanding.
The wisdom of this world does not know that “the god of this world” is Satan the Devil and Nothing else can account for it that the race of mankind has reached such a degraded, loveless, self-seeking condition, unable to live with itself and unable to keep peace and harmony among the members of its own family, but going in the way that leads to its own suicide in atomic warfare over political, religious, racial and economic differences.
Far differently, Insofar as it comes from outside of man, the deep things of God” includes the understanding of God’ wisdom that is revealed to true Christians by holy spirit but is obscured to others. (1 Corinthians 2:7)
@Elderman - No, the wisdom of the world has brought us vaccines, CAT scanners, ECGs. Its has brought us flight, mass transport.It has brought us mass manufacture, clothing. It has brought us mass agriculture.Mans wisdom ,through philosophy, rationalism and science and the application of those laws and theories, has allowed us to build a modern world infrastructure to support billions of individuals.

Your premise is predicated upon an assumption , upon faith, since there is no empirical evidence of a god, or a devil, or a heaven or a hell. No credible evidence ever in fact, merely a few books, heavily edited, politicized, chronologically reordered. Only a few events, interpreted with hindsight and with bias, to offer the believers something to cling onto.

Your agenda offers nothing to advance the state of man.
Congratulations Elderman - more cutting and pasting.

This time Zilele Lui Daniel -

So sad a specimen of a JW, that he can't think for himself.

By the way, his spamming of other threads saw a few of them removed yesterday.....
The goal of all Abrahamic religions is to render devotees incapable of thinking for themselves. This way they can be reprogrammed for any purpose deemed fit by the church oligarchy.
.... or indeed, by any other.
Elderman is a sad individual, and if his purpose in life is to enlighten people his blocks of copied text have the opposite effect. For a start nobody will bother to read them and secondly it is not even his own thoughts. There was a merry Christmas from AB editor thread and Elderman plonked this on to it:
When one first comes to a knowledge of the truth of the Bible he may take a bold stand for Bible principles, such as separateness from the world and seeking right associations. He sees the obvious need to have no fellowship with fornicators, thieves and the like. Later on he appreciates more fully the ramifications of those principles. He sees that the whole world is under Satan’s influence, not just its baser elements. (1 John 5:19) He comes to appreciate that, even though an acquaintance may not be immoral, if that one does not worship God he is not really a good associate. Likewise his discernment in applying Bible principles helps him to realize that it can be just as harmful to spend christmas two days as with an adulterer on a movie screen or an evening with killers on television as to fellowship with them elsewhere. Soon he begins to apply the same discernment toward books and magazines. It is not a matter of someone telling him a certain thing is wrong. It is a matter of getting God’s mind on things, growing to maturity and applying Bible principles to the full extent, which is our individual responsibility.
??????? Relevancy 0/10 Readability 1/10 Originality -7/10 Yawn, cant see under my nose .........
I seriously think he should seek help, Grasscarp - and that isn't meant unkindly. I really do.
The reasons for reporting posts should include
- Poster should be in therapy
For the record, he has had a couple of those spam threads removed by the Ed as being, that, spam. They were totally irrelevant to the nature of the threads and this means the Ed is now watching his actions.....

I agree with your assessment, grasscarp; he was probably a reasonably intelligent guy at one time in the past. Shame in fact.......
lol and some of that is definitely needed here

We should make a suggestion to the Ed to include that in his list of reporting reasons - "Poster needs therapy/plain insane."
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//Roll up, Roll up! Latest Cut and Paste news//
Like I’ve said before – you can’t see what is under your noses!
Oh yes we can!
@Elderman - When cutting and pasting others, without attribution or providing links, and often when ignoring the points and rebuttals made to you, Eldermans posts are an exercise in rhetoric. When left to his own imagination, he comes up with " you cannot see what is under your noses" - A weak, nonsensical phrase, meaningless and devoid of any insight.

Its only virtue is its brevity, and the ease by which it can be refuted.
His new default - it is a sign of a moribund mind.
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Like I’ve said before – you can’t see what is under your noses!
Yes, we are one in awaiting shortly the dissolution of this moribund old world then, you shall see the arrival of the “presence of the day of God, and For us who desire to prove ourselves worthy of God’s new world.

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