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Rule Britannia.

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gulliver1 | 19:56 Mon 20th May 2024 | News
9 Answers

Boris's Brexit cry was "Let's take back control of our Borders" And now his Mate Cameron has admitted that The Gibraltar Border between Gib and Spain is now to be controlled by the EU Frontex Border Guards who will police the entry into Gib Because of Brexit. Is this the beginning of the end of British Sovereignty in Gibraltar.



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Is this the start of a plan by Spain and The EU To force Britain to hand Gibraltar  Back to Spain. ?

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I see Spain has recently stopped The Red Arrows from doing an air display over the Rock which they could not have prevented before Brexit.  Just saying

Recently a work colleague sent out an e-mail listing a large number of product categories where the UK had abandoned the UKCA mark in favour of the European CE marking – at the foot of the e-mail he included an image of Boris Johnson standing at a lectern in front of ‘Take Back Control’ emblazoned on hording behind him.


Any claim that Brexit has increased our sovereignty is complete BS, we are now a country of rule takers, no longer rule makers.

Hymie - // Any claim that Brexit has increased our sovereignty is complete BS, we are now a country of rule takers, no longer rule makers. //

I think that any move that takes us further away from the control of sneering bureaucrats in Europe can only ever be a good thing.

Our Brexit sovereignty now gives us the ability to adopt European rules/laws; which we are virtually forced to do so, if we want to continue trading with our nearest and largest trading bloc – without having any say in those rules/laws.

There's a lot of gibberish spoken by remoaners when they try to spin things. Borders are two way, both sides have control at stopping traffic. Similarly with trade, both have control, at least they do if sovereign. But if one has foolishly let the other dictate to them by surrendering sovereignty then one deserves all they get.

As OG says, as a result of Brexit we have surrendered our sovereignty to the EU, and must dance to their tune.

I think that any move that takes us further away from the control of sneering bureaucrats

.... they read, but  they do not understand ( or savvy, or capeeshi)

we now if we are to trade,  must obey their rules which we have no control over - - completely IN their control rather than independent

Margot Metroland to Bertrand Russell: "but Mr Russell your ideas just arent logical!"

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British Tourists could be refused entry to Gibraltar by the EU Frontex Border Guards all because of Brexit. Looks like the Spanish have taken back Control of your Borders then Boris.OK.

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