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Teddy Bear Mohammed

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whiffey | 18:12 Wed 28th Nov 2007 | News
124 Answers
So the lady is going to be charged in the Sudan.

Never, EVER, EVER again will I contribute even a sou if I think any of it will end up in a half-witted backward black savage Muslim country.

I did wonder if there would be demonstrations on the streets of Britain by moderate Muslims protesting against this supreme JOKE. No, there aren't any and there won't be.

I'll stick with my South American Christian charity for kids.

Coming soon to the Midlands - Hisslam.



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Whiffey - yes, I am British and proud to be so.

Everton Geraldine Gibbs should be out NOW if necessary until she faces trial. It shouldn't even go that far. - so again I ask you - are you happy for immigrants in this country to be treated to the indigenous population - because that is what you are asking for in Sudan.

With regards you Baa Baa Green sheep - why don't you try deling with facts. Birmingham council who initially brought in a ban on Black sheep overturned this in 2000 after consultations with black people who said it wasn't offensive. Some nurseries still do change the colour but sing Baa Baa happy / sad / green / blue /etc sheep to help them learn different colours.

It is not the liberal people who are ruining this country - it is the far right who believe what a mate in the pub told them and its all the bloody immigrants fault.
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It looks like 15 days in jail then deportation.

A happy result, the 15 days will fly by.

What was she doing out there in the first place ? At least now we can all be happy that the Sudanese children will be taught in future by reliable local skilled teachers.
I think you've missed a word out in your question it does'nt quite make sense to me. But if you're asking me do I think immigrants should be constrained by the same rules of law as U.K residents are then yes.They are only held in custody if there's a real chance they may abscond. No all the problems in this country are not caused by the immigrants, what I'm asking (and it is'nt that difficult) is for you to denounce the beating of a woman (anyone)with a stick. Please don't cower behind the fact that she's been given 15 days in prison as her guilty punishment. I fear your stance on this is shaped largely by your dislike of the questioner.
Society again NO! I appreciate the sentiment you're trying to get across, but no. I do'nt want women being beaten with sticks on the streets of Britain added to that the adjudication (for it to be valid) would have to be by an Imam. Would you trust an Imam to view a crime perpetrated against a kuffar (non-muslim, I hate that word and all others like it) than one against a muslim? In a secular judiciary you don't have that problem, in a secular judiciary "he insulted the prophet" is not a legitimate defence. I am strongly of the belief that a gay or a female muslim has as much right to be free in Britain as their fellow compatriots.
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I don't think I am adding anything of value to this now, but for goodness' sake, it was the NAMING OF A TEDDY BEAR.

The naming of a teddy bear.

The South Korean analogy you used is flawed. As British citizens we are still bound by the law of our land when we are abroad (with regard to children) if a Brit had consentual sex with a 13 year old abroad upon the production of the evidence he (she) could (and probably) would end up in court.
everton - I am more than happy to denounce women being being with sticks.

My analogy is not flawed - I was not talking about a British person - I am talking about a Korean in this country. The premise of my argument is that any person when living or working in a foreign country must uphold the laws - whether they think they are stupid or not.

Just as Whiffey says "Its only a bear" and in this country, it is ludicrous, a Korean could easily say "It was consensual and it is legal in my country".

A law being ludicrous is only a matter of opinion and your upbringing.

I could argue that a 70 mph speed limit on a motorway is ludicrous - it is an archaic law, vehicles and road surfaces have moved on tremendously and people have faster reaction times than 30 years ago. Despite it being ludicrous, if I was doing 80 mph, I would be prosecuted. I can scream and shout about the difference in vehicles, that it was only 12% difference, that the speed limit makes no consideration of the weather conditions or the amount of vehicles on the road. The fact is, I broke the law and have to suffer the consequences.

The lady in question, should have know the local laws, broke them, and suffered the consequences.

She was charged with 3 offences and only found guilty on one charge. She was also not sentenced to whipping, 'just' a short jail sentence.

Justice appears to have been done.
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There appears to be a happy ending, as I alluded to earlier. The blaspheming infidel (cooee we are talking teddy bears) will be deported within days.

Deported ? Think on that word. Deported. Deported from Sudan, wow, what a disgusting dishonour.

There is a bright side however, at least now the Sudanese can educate their own children with their own teachers. Why was she there in the first place ? I mean seriously WHY can not the Sudanese educate their own kids ??

Come on someone, answer that.
I think she was there as an act of charity, a guest in their country.
I can't imagine anything much worse than being imprisoned abroad, the ordeal she's been through must have been horrendous. Then she'll be coming home to settle her divorce.
I'm not a nationalist, a reactionary or a right winger but I have to say the silence of the liberal "elites" has been deafening.
Not even Britains' first celebrity muslim could be roused to comment.
I'll say it straight liberals and their ilk, you're all cowards you scream blue murder over the slightest offence (cartoons even! Kill those who insult the prophet the slogans read) the fact that "Baa Baa Green Sheep" ever saw the light of day is absurd, chalk board, spokes person a whole raft of words that we can't use in case of causing offence. And yet a woman resides in a prison cell for allowing the class to name a teddy bear. Silence. Justice has not been served, God has not been served, common sense has not been served If I was a teacher in The Sudan, I'd be on the next plane home.
everton - I'm not a nationalist, a reactionary or a right winger but I have to say the silence of the liberal "elites" has been deafening.
Not even Britains' first celebrity muslim could be roused to comment.

You really only see what you want to see don't you. From today's BBC website:


This case should have required only simple common sense to resolve. It is unfortunate that the Sudanese authorities were found wanting in this most basic of qualities.

They grossly overreacted in this sad affair. Gillian should never have been arrested, let alone charged and convicted of committing a crime.

We hope that Gillian will be able to return home without much further delay. "

whiffey - There is a bright side however, at least now the Sudanese can educate their own children with their own teachers. Why was she there in the first place ? I mean seriously WHY can not the Sudanese educate their own kids ??

Come on someone, answer that.

I'm pretty sure that the Sudanese can educate their kids and I'm fairly certain that the majority of teachers in Sudan are Sudanese - just as the majority of teachers in Britain are British but I am fairly certain that there are come other nationalities here.

Everton - also see here: m

But in Britain, the Islamic Human Rights Commission was among Muslim groups to call for her immediate release.

Chairman Massoud Shadjareh said: "Both the Sudanese government and the media must refrain from using Islam and Islamic principles to legitimise this fiasco, which may result in the unjust conviction of an innocent person, and which will only lead to the promotion of Islamophobia and further demonisation of Islam."

And a spokesman for the Muslim youth organisation, the Ramadhan Foundation, said "this matter is not worthy of arrest or detention and her continued detention will not help repair the misconceptions about Islam."
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Yes I do say what I think, and all my answers are thought through and explained (even the counter arguments). I think that's rather an unjust accusation that I only see what I want to see. I have not indulged in muslim bashing. I feel that there's a touch of arrogance to suggest that those who disagree are in some way ignorant, something I clearly am not. That was'nt who I had in mind, the person I had in mind is a certain journalist of staggering mediocrity who after being made a guest of the Taliban came home to a muted welcome, saddened at their inability to find fame and be viewed as the next Terry Waite, chose to convert and then attempt a career in politics, without prejudice (they're a litigious bunch) who do you think I mean?
Gravitate, that was a really crap joke, he's probably not offended he's more likely to be embarrassed. I would have left things were they were but it's been quite a good thread snd I'd hate to leave it like that.
Now we must be grateful that she has a criminal record and has been deported. we,on the other hand,can't deport Rapists and Murderers. Good innit ?
sorry Everton, didn't realise you were speaking about a particular person.

Fact is that a lot of Muslims in this country have spoken up against it - and a lot of people choose to ignore this.
No problem, I think we agree that people of all backgrounds need to come together to fight the extremists who seek to divide our communities. This event in itself could still serve to unite people, a demonstration perhaps against extremism and to welcome her home. Think about it look at the reaction to the cartoons in Holland, the poor woman must be worried about how things are going to be when she gets home.
Now is the time to face down the B.N.P, now is the time to face down Jamaal Islamia, now is the time to face down the Hindu nationalists (B.J.P(?) now is the time to face down the Sikh extremists who forced cowards to cancel a play. If these fringe groups are'nt tackled then suitably emboldened they'll serve only to create and exploit more rifts in our society.
I would have more (some) respect for the unnamed individual and their friends if they spoke with the same eloquence and clarity about the excesses of their faith instead of focussing on their own sleights. Real or imagined. Why can't they set out their stall and say what they feel would produce an inclusive and integrated muslim (and others) society?
whiffey- you have an answer for everything, and a valid answer every time!
i still don;t understand why she is the one being blamed, when it was the kids that picked the name by voting it the most popular choice!!
Dot - in the same way that if a teacher in a British school did something that was unacceptable - it is irrelevant what the kids thought - she is there to teach children.

If a teacher in this country had a relationship with a consenting 16 year old pupil, it would be against the law. It is irrelevant that the 16 year old was consenting, it is irrelevant that the pupil's classmates thought it was fine. It is irrelevant that the pupil convinced the teacher into it. The teacher would be charged. Ludicrous? Possibly. Possibly not - depends on the scenario. Illegal? Yes, definitely.
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That's been explained - she is part of a wicked Western plot to undermine Islam, probably even an agent of MI6.

Being white, English, female, and potentially Christian will not have helped her cause.

Oooh smack wrist for being a cynic.

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