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Teddy Bear Mohammed

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whiffey | 18:12 Wed 28th Nov 2007 | News
124 Answers
So the lady is going to be charged in the Sudan.

Never, EVER, EVER again will I contribute even a sou if I think any of it will end up in a half-witted backward black savage Muslim country.

I did wonder if there would be demonstrations on the streets of Britain by moderate Muslims protesting against this supreme JOKE. No, there aren't any and there won't be.

I'll stick with my South American Christian charity for kids.

Coming soon to the Midlands - Hisslam.



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You do not need to 'clarify' anything to me sp.

Clarify ? Clarify what ?

I state quite clearly what I think. It is a valid viewpoint. You happen not to agree, but don't patronise me by trying to belittle me. I am nowhere near as stupid as you think, and unfortunately for you I am of voting age.
FyI he did actually say "gibbering Sudanese ape" the black part you've added yourself. He may well be an Arab (almost certainly is) there is a big difference between Arabs and blacks, as I'm sure you already know.
The black Sudanese Africans (the indigenous Sudanese) are predominately Christian and have been getting persecuted by the muslim (south Sudan I think) for decades, Darfur the latest example of this.
The actual acts being perpetrated there fall under a larger widely known policy called "Arabisation" as I'm sure many Kurds will testify.
I dislike insults and name calling on all sides.
With reference to an earlier post the Greeks charged the tourists with spying on military aircraft and medieval punishment was not on the agenda and paeophiles exist in all societies Channel 4 did a documentary many years ago on imams who molested women and children. It'd be very naieve to suggest that such things don't go on, and I don't think the respondent is naieve.

Sweet Jesus...goes to prove that just because someone has a Ferrari, doesn't necessarily mean they're a good driver.

You referred to black people as apes.

There's a word for people like you. But it's a word not normally used in polite least not outside an East End gynecologist's office.

You are no better than the chav scum who drink from 2ltr bottles of Strongbow outside Nandos on a Saturday night.
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sp, I think this is the closest you will get

'gibbering Sudanese ape'

- and I stand by it.

So I am chav scum ? Thanks. I think you are the greater racist, because you are obsessed with being Black.

whiffey meant black. Full stop. I've come across filth like him in the 70s. I;d hoped they'd all bred themselves out of existance...apparently some survived.

I shall leave him to wallow in his own crapulence and return to watching last Sunday's Cranford.


Idiot. for some quality BBC Victorian costume drama-ry.
Good stuff.

I'll leave you to spew force your ill-informed cobblers.
SP, I think, and only think, Whiffey may be of the same breed as myself.

I would advocate I have no ill feeling to any race, sexuality or wotnot in the world. Yes, I don't much care for the bloody French, Germans, Spainish, Japs and especially the Australians, but on the whole I do not really wish them much harm.

Likewise when it comes to colour of ones skin, I hold no prejudice or intolerance. Sexuality does not bother me (not a huge fan of bisexuals but gaylords and lezzas are fine in my book.

And even regarding religion, I am fairly open minded to all religions but one. A Christian myself, I accept that other people have their own belief systems but can not be accepting of Islam.

Up until a few years ago, I could say what I wanted about a religion, but now, solely due to muslims, there are religious laws, much the same as race laws. Now because I do not like muslims I am a BNP supporter in the eyes of the marxists.

I hate muslims with a passion. They are evil, backward thinking monsters. It is a vicious way of life to anybody but a male muslim aged over 15 when they are considered to old to sexually abuse in the name of allah.

I, like whiffey, have only this anti-stance.

I have never seen you bit so hard SP. The wider picture is because you are a coloured gaylord yourself (two minorities I happily embrace) it does not mean you have to defend muslims. I know one can group together all minorities and forms of prejudice in one box and fight the corner collectively, but England has moved on from "The Life on Mars" style of public policy.

There is only one ill wind in Englands multi-cultural, multi-sexual, multi buy one get one free society, and that is the face of mohammed and his boyfriend allah taking over our once green and pleasant lands.
I don't support the name calling on either side but if SP is black then they should realise that the Sudanese government is very very racist. It's even more racist than Zimbabwe's Africa for Africans (and yes I do know the detail about the land grab in the 1940s) in Sudan the cry is "Africa for Arabs" I despise racism wherever I find it and upon whoever it's perpetrated against.
Meanwhile back at the ranch...
There's a woman unjustly incacerated, discuss.
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sp, you appreciate of course that you are just as much a racist as you accuse me of being ?

Filth ? You fool. You racist fool.
The Baggies had an excellent 2-1 victory away to Plymouth Argyle tonight to cement their second placed position in the Championship.
My Teddy Bears were called Blue Ted and Charlie Bear.
I thought you called tham Aston and Villa after your team, no?
I live in a city that has got more than its fair share of muslems, they are the most arrogant, ignorant, racist people in the world, if one hair of of that teachers head is touched over a trivial matter like that then something has got to be done by this cowardly government of ours, the more i come into contact with muslems the more i hate them, i have no problem with black people as they are friendly and polite, i would burn all muslems,
I despair for the future of our country. I sometimes doubt that we will ever be able to have a truly multicultural society. It is incidents like this that damage relations between muslims and the rest. I hope that this woman is not punished for causing offence where no offence was intended. I have said before and I will say it again....Where are all the moderate muslims who say that Islam is a peaceful religion? Why do they keep quiet when things like this happen? Surely they cannot condone this woman being punished for this? I really do try hard not to be prejudiced, but I have to confess that I am glad I am not a muslim female. They do seem to get a raw deal from Islam. And I also have to confess that at times it seems to be a very intolerant, vicious religion. Prove me wrong, for Gods sake, if you dont agree with what is happening to this teacher then stand up and say so!

You wrote in your question:

half-witted backward black savage Muslim country.

You then went on to refer to the same people as apes.

I will robustly argue with people like Bewlay Bros when he has a point to make, but you, you're just as nasty piece of work.

Just because you have a right to say something doesn't mean you have to go and say it.

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everyone is entitled to their own opinion on here, be it racist, prejudice etc etc. Though you may not agree with the comments, you cannot stop anyone saying what they feel, its a free country.

I have many black, chinese, muslim and even a gay friend, but im afraid I have to agree with the certain "non pc" quotes on here: this country is being raped by the the minorities. THis country allows itself to be literllay bent over and shoved, its being bullied an no one is doing anything about it.

This country along with others gives aid to places like Sudan. Yes I understand what she did was against their religion, but for forks sake, its trivial let it go.

Im fed up with certain groups in this country picking up on things and making such a big thing on it - blacks being targeted by police more for stop and search, muslims not allowed to wear their veils in school etc etc.

Can you imagine trying to open a church in iraq or another muslim state? They are free to open these massive ugly mosques wherever they like.

I like many brits are just effin fed up. kick em out
Well that made interesting reading

Here's my tuppence worth ( as I said on Tuesdays Jeremy Vine's Radio 2 show), this woman is teaching in a predominately muslim country, in a school where islam is the only religion and she lets her pupils name a teddy bear after the founder of islam? how naive is she? has she had her head buried in the ground for the past decade?

The fundamentalist muslims need only the slightest excuse to call for a Jihad or holy war against westerners, and idiots like this teacher hand them these excuses on a plate. Come on, she really should have known better.
I'm not defending islam, I find it to be a discusting, backward, sexist, medieval and vile excuse for a religion, but I do think that in this case, this lady (and I thought teachers were intelligent) deserves her punishment.
As in the U.K and most other countries, ignorance for the law is not an excuse
4GS, I totally agree that she was naive, 100% and I also wholeheartedly agree with you comment on islam.

What outrages me is that its one rule for them and one rule for us. This country is famous for its strength and position in history, but today it is becomming a push over and I feel that we have to stand for what is rightly ours and not let these people physcology bully the government into giving them what they want. For starters these people should try and intergrate and embrace our country a bit more!

There was a programme on tv last night about families being evicted from their homes. One guy, it took him 2 yrs to p[ersuade the local council to rehouse them...2 effin years! Yet, these asylum seeks come here and get everything they want, immediately.

Ive had enough. shut the doors, and kick em ALL out
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4GS - er pardon ???

' this lady deserves her punishment '

I thought you served in Her Majesty's Armed Forces, what a disgracefully rubbery bendy thing to say.

40 lashes or 6 months ? How say you ?

I think it should be 40 lashes, and televised, that'll teach disgusting Western do-gooders to invade peace-loving Islamic countries and apply blasphemous epithets to savage teddy bears.
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