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Leadership Debate On B B C 1 Now

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FatticusInch | 21:17 Mon 25th Jul 2022 | News
93 Answers
Anyone watching? Quite feisty from the off. Sunak has gone straight for the jugular, Truss actually looking competent for once.
How on earth did these two ever get on at government meetings?
Safe to say that the loser will not be getting a job in the cabinet.


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The BBC are being very unfair.
On my screen Sunak looks like an immigrant just got off the dinghy at Dover, and Truss looks like the little girl who delivers the ‘Women’s Own every Wednesday morning p.
160,000 Tory members messing with their TV remote trying to make him look less muslim instead of listening to what he is saying.
At best Sunak will get a distant very last when the die hard Tory blue rinse brigade cast their grudgingly not Boris vote.

All very funny. And stoking up problems for them in the future :-)

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//Ah, I see well whoever supplies the PM has won, so you are saying a Labour minority! Right oh! like pulling teeth!
I say the Tories will supply the PM as I have said all along, I am of course prepared to back that opinion.//

Yaaaaaawn, keep your money for sweets. You’ve had a propensity for making yourself look silly these last few weeks and months over your predictions(remember your idiotic ‘and by what mechanism will they remove him’ stance?).
You’ve gone from ‘Boris will be next PM’ to suddenly clambering onto the Truss bus within just a few weeks, you need to ease off on all the wild and flailing accusations as well as poorly founded predictions.
Try a little reflection for a while and take time to read the writing on the wall instead of banging your head against it, you’ll only cause yourself more damage.
//once that's over we'll get back to the important work of wiping the floor with Labour.//

Isn't that strange? I thought the important work was competently running the country, not trying to humiliate your opponents. If the former is unimportant to Tora, no wonder he's such a Boris groupie.
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It’s his all-encompassing viewpoint Mozz, he’s too far gone.
Fatti: "(remember your idiotic ‘and by what mechanism will they remove him’ stance?). " - well you never answered that did you? I said the only way he's going is if he chooses to and that's what happened. You never outlined the mechanism, just kept repeating the same BS. Took me 4 goes above to get you to admit that you think Labour will win the next GE. Gawd you wriggle like a worm on the hook. I bet you can't lie straight in bed.
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//Fatti: "(remember your idiotic ‘and by what mechanism will they remove him’ stance?). " - well you never answered that did you?//

Lol, I told you repeatedly that all it was going to take was for one cabinet minister to resign and that would set off a chain that would spell his end and that is exactly what happened.
My answer at 10.20 is the most recent one.
Whilst you’re on that page, take a look at your silly responses! ROFL.
As I said, continually making yourself look foolish.

Who can’t lie straight in bed? You must have a terrible case of rickets?! LMAO.
Like I’ve said before, a fool and his money are easily parted, best you keep hold of it!
Not a dry eye in the house, PMSL.
"I said the only way he's going is if he chooses to and that's what happened."

That gem deserves a place on its own.
Gromit, //Tory members messing with their TV remote trying to make him look less muslim //

Your ignorance is showing. He's Hindu - but don't let that stop you doing the very thing you accuse others of - noting the colour of skin wherever you look.
Maybe grommit need this service - Not sure they have one for Hindus, naomi.
Does anyone know why this bickering, non-event was broadcast on national TV? Hm?
Haha! That might help, DTC - but I doubt it. :o)
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I must say Gromit that was rather an odd post.
Personally, having watched some of this, I’d be inclined to go with Sunak as he came over far better esp on the economy.
07:45, yes Naomi, funny how it's always the left that bring race into these things. need to upgrade to a colour tv.
Fatticus aaneasquith and gromit shouldn't judge others by there own standards. Skin colour and religion might influence the racists but hopefully there a minority. I use to respect gromit as a fellow Liberal socialist readonable and fairminded... but he's true colours in terms of racism are showing here.
I know Sunak is Hindu. I said the people judging him will assume he is muslim, and not vote for him.
Sure, but again speaking personally I didn’t think Sunak looked anything other than normal.
I’ve only watched bits of it on the news this morning, Sunak was animated and interrupted Truss , he looked like a desperado and she was cool under pressure ( I thought) however neither of them floated my boat on the sound bites I’ve watched
during this whole process I don't think I've heard a single Tory even mention race religion etc. Yet the left keep falling over themselves to try and introduce it as a factor. The party will elect the leader it thinks is best and race will not be relevant. We leave this kind of ism to Labour.

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