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How True Can This Be?

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anotheoldgit | 16:21 Wed 08th Mar 2017 | News
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It is said that it is safer for the women of Iraq, than it is for the women of Stockholm.


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The reactions to this story are interesting. There have been many similar reports, of course. "Stockholm - rape capital of Europe" was the particularly lurid headline of one. The "hard" fact is the 50% rise in reported rape in the last ten years. The speculative explanation for this rise ("speculative" because the ethnicity and country of origin of alleged...
21:30 Wed 08th Mar 2017
The reactions to this story are interesting. There have been many similar reports, of course. "Stockholm - rape capital of Europe" was the particularly lurid headline of one. The "hard" fact is the 50% rise in reported rape in the last ten years. The speculative explanation for this rise ("speculative" because the ethnicity and country of origin of alleged perpetrators don't appear in the official stats) is immigration.

Now the facts may be false, or they may be grossly exaggerated. But, and I stress but[i, what if the story is substantially true? Wouldn't any normal person (that is all of us who think of rape as probably the biggest act of violence next to murder) want to be aware of this and to have the problem dealt with? Surely the [i]first] response to the suggestion of (to use another common headline) "a rape epidemic" should be to get the real facts. If you then find the suggestion unfounded, then by all means question the motives of the people making the claim. The first responses (those I find interesting) of some on this thread seem to be to deny or trivialise the allegations, or to abuse or sneer at the people making them. That the story is true seems outside their imaginitive spectrum.

This, of course, was exactly what happened to Ann Cryer when she tried to deal with sexual grooming in her constituency. For those of you who've forgotten here's a reminder from an impeccable source:
//Lol ick you know we have to stick together us types!! //

Hmmm. Well so much for the integrated diversity card.
When the much maligned Nick Griffin talked about the Moslem rape gangs, he was threatened with prison if he ever dared to repeat the accusation. The liberals are the new fascists.
The fascist of the future will indeed be the "anti fascists".
In fairness none of us knows enough about either country to make any sort of worthwhile comment. I'd be surprised if there weren't some towns in Iraq where statistically it is safer for a woman than the city of Stockholm. But the whole attempt at comparison strikes me as ridiculous, either way.
Exactly as I reported at 1743.If the truth does not sit comfortably with certain persons on this site they wish to discount it and claim it is from dubious sources.
Of course all these deniers are no better than Facists who stifle the truth if they are proved wrong.
The usual excuse is if it comes from that paper and not my paper then it is wrong. Nothing but bigoted snobbery.
The BBC would not show burning cars and riots on their News bulletins.
Will Mikey say this police officer is a liar just because he is quoted in The Express?
The BBC are dreadful for, amongst other things, lying by omission.
Yet some people, on here and in the world at large, won't believe anything unless they report it.
Goods news from Sweden today

But '' one year and three months'' for gang raping a child at knife point .... seriously?

Not much news on the double murder yesterday (could be a domestic, could be gang related)

''UPDATED: Police have launched a murder investigation after a man and a woman were found injured,''

Found a bit more

Maybe one of those conspiracy sites that you read about?
Sam....."the much maligned Nick Griffin"

Griffin was maligned for good reasons. He is a racist and led a fascist organisation, which effectively no longer exists . Good riddance.
//Griffin was maligned for good reasons. He is a racist and led a fascist organisation, which effectively no longer exists //

Griffin was not a rapist. Neither was he he complicit in rape, nor a provider of "easy meat" to sexual predators. I think it was Mikey's friends who protected rapists and pimped for them.

We seem to have come a long way from the OP, which implied that it was safer in Iraq than in Stockholm, which plainly can't possibly be true.
The OP's essential point was about rape not war.

The proposition was that Muslim immigrants are a threat to Swedish women.

I am prepared to accept that the thesis is untrue. Are you willing to accept that it may be true?

The question posed in my last post was, of course, rhetorical. The moral points being raised outside the compass of some.
We have no idea just how many women have been raped in Iraq, or any other pace that has been controlled by ISIS. Hard facts like that are notoriously difficult to obtain from war-torn areas.

But I seem to recall that mass rape was a tactic used by ISIS on the women in the areas that they captured, like the Yazidis women for instance.

I can't recall any mass rape of women in any Scandinavian country.
The point is not ISIS in Syria, but Muslim communities in Europe. And how gang rape by Muslim immigrants or their children has been ignored, condoned (and in some ways provisioned) by the Mikeys in local government, the police and the "child protection" services.example.

The scandal of the "Rotherham" cover-up is that the Mikeys were far more concerned about who was making the complaints than the fact that twelve year old girls were being raped.
The Libz continue to deny that their is a dangerous, and escalating, problem. They also insist that everyone else must turn a blind eye, lest they are proven wrong again. "Shut up they explain". Meeh.
//The scandal of the "Rotherham" cover-up is that the Mikeys were far more concerned about who was making the complaints than the fact that twelve year old girls were being raped.''

Absolutely correct, and it was the "despicables"; the BNP and the Nick Griffins who by constantly highlighting the problem got something done, and the cover-ups by councillors and police were exposed. Nothing was done by Labour - absolutely nothing, without the BNP it might still be continuing.

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