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4 Years For Murder.....

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ToraToraTora | 10:27 Fri 01st Apr 2016 | News
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When are we going to start punishing these lowlives?


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Another low life given too many chances but cocks a snoot at society and the law. He should never be released either.
Ellipsis, the son of a friend of mine was concerned enough about the knife-wielding antics of a classmate to bring it to the attention of his teacher. the result was that he was expelled from the school "for being a troublemaker".
Wether I usually agree with TTT or not is by the by. On this occasion I can see what he is saying and agree that this poor misunderstood little cherub got off lightly with not being charged with murder.

He may not of set out to MURDER someone but that was the effect. He took a knife,as well as other implements to use as weapons, to school and stabbed someone else in the heart.

We can live without some organs such as an arm or leg, gallbladder, prostate (for men) etc but there are a few organs that are vital for life. The most obvious ones are brain, lungs, heart. Take any one of those away and you are dead. This boy targeted one and it had the desired effect. His victim is dead.

All sorts of mitigating evidence was bound to be shoved in everyone that counts face. But there is nothing mitigating here. It doesn't matter a squat what his family background is, it doesn't matter squat if he comes from a poor background or an affluent background, it doesn't matter squat he crys himself to sleep and then has nightmares nightly.

He KNEW and still does know a knife is dangerous. He decided to use that knife. In my eyes he is a murderer.

Just because plea bargaining and the law says differently doesn't change that for me.
Who was expelled?

The boy with the knife or your friends son?.
in case anyone wants to read what the Judge said in sentencing :
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Ummmm: “It doesn't matter what we think, TTT, we can't change the law!”
So we are not allowed and opinion either? Right oh!

Mushroom: “the son of a friend of mine was concerned enough about the knife-wielding antics of a classmate to bring it to the attention of his teacher. the result was that he was expelled from the school "for being a troublemaker".
Standard approach of your criminal loving lefty.

Retro: “Another low life given too many chances but cocks a snoot at society and the law. He should never be released either.”
Lefties like that, they believe that all criminals are victims created by society because their lives are not easy enough.

Cass: “He took a knife,as well as other implements to use as weapons, to school and stabbed someone else in the heart.”
Still not enough for our liberal judiciary.

Retro: “It would seem the accused had previously searched the difference between murder and homicide on his lap top. He then apparently was surprised and commented,"You are charging me with murder" when told by the police.
Also looked up previously ,'how to get rid of someone annoying.
That,to me, does not signify a spur of the moment reaction by this killer. A knuckle duster is quite a difficult offensive weapon to come by these days.”
I would agree that this was pre meditated murder but the left on here would rather attack me that condemn a low life murderous piece of vermin, hey ho!
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alba, just read that, pass the sick bucket, &*^%ing brief has conned the judge and jury, how do they live with themselves. Still waiting for the lefties to condemn the killer.
I don't think anyone has to voice their condemnation, it should be assumed.
When you finish spitting at the computer screen in fury!!

Was this the child who was bullied at school and flipped murdering his aggressor?

The sentence may seem lenient and I am sure the victim's family will appeal but we must remember that there are 2 families ruined here.
//Standard approach of your criminal loving lefty. //

not exactly, but a manifestation of the school's policy relating to bullies. that is, existence and activities of bullies was accepted as they acted as a de-facto police force that kept the majority school population under control. any upset to the situation was not to be tolerated.
I understand your anger TTT, particularly when I read how the defence (as ever) makes excuses and of course the little dear knows he did wrong etc etc etc. He was a thug pure and simple who took a knife and a knuckleduster to school - what for, just to show them off or to use them ??? Well he used them didn't he and killed a young lad who is never coming back. Should serve every minute of his sentence ....
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according to link above it was to do with a "your mums fat" insult and the one that was knifed was in fact the one who's mum was the target. Doesn't sound like a bullying incident to me.
> in case anyone wants to read what the Judge said in sentencing :

Thank you for that. It appears that the jury was offered murder or a reduced charge of culpable homicide, and opted for the reduced charge. After that, there was little that the judge could do.
After I had shackled his arms so that they were pulled tight and dangling from a high ceiling, leaving him suspended in mid-air, and then restrained his legs, I would find a blunt knife and cut off the little toe on his left foot. When he had just about recovered from the searing pain, I'd then cut off the toe next to his bleeding stump. And so on, until he had just about been on the point of fainting from blood loss. The left foot thus dismembered I would proceed to the right, taking my time to dig the knife in slowly but surely, causing as much pain as possible to this lame excuse for a human being.

Once the feet, or what was left of them, had congealed, allowing this scum to barely cling to consciousness, and I had dipped my fingers in his blood and run them over my forehead as warpaint, I'd proceed to run the knife up the inside of his legs, drawing the blade ever deeper into this animal's flesh, gradually splitting them in two, his screams ringing in my ears as the music of sweet justice. Only when the last shreds of mortality were on the verge of leaving his pathetic body, I would plunge the knife into his heart, and feel the warmth of its useless blood splatter over me.

That angry enough for you, TTT?
Might haver known you wold be for the purpetrator jim.
I'm not "for" the perpetrator. I just don't do frothing and spitting very well. I find it very hard to get angry. But even if I could, it seems a bit pointless. A boy has died, another's life has been ruined (by his own actions), and many others who knew them both have been I'm sure equally affected by grief. It's something to be sad, not angry, about; and I have no intention ever to join in the rage-gasms some people seem determined to encourage.
Way over the top Jim and no, this boy's life hasn't been 'ruined', he'll come out after a few short years and resume his young life. Do you think he's bothered, I don't !
Children who take knuckledusters and knives to school are already living a ruined life - but not as ruined as they life they take when they stab another child through the heart.
As the Judge in the case said, the problem is the 'knife culture'.
Obviously we all feel terrible sorrow for the victim and his family and condemnation for the perpetrator , that should not need to be stated !!!
The fact is that if the boy had not had a knife on him the worst that could have happened was a fist fight. This started with an argument over a biscuit according to the BBC.
The situation over Gun control in the USA is exactly comparable.
If guns were as hard to obtain in the USA as they are in the UK there would be several thousand less killings per year.
T T T, If you lived in the USA you would I am sure, be a tub thumping supporter of the National Rifle Association, just like your avatar !
Just look up the NRA's attitude when a similar situation to this arises in the USA ( as it does so many times a day that it is no longer 'news' and goes unreported)
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"That angry enough for you, TTT? "

NRA from eddie? please!

You guys excel yourselves, so angry you are because I feel for the victim, so brutal is your interpretation and assumption of me that you still target me. Still I have seen no condemnation of the murderer only of me the messenger.

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