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It's certainly worth a try. It doesn't seem as if anyone is forcing the teachers and/or parents to take on the role of parking wardens; it simply gives teachers (and parent helpers), who are already trying to sort out parking problems, additional powers if they feel that they might need them.
How ridiculous. These are not empty cars, these are cars with the driver present. As soon as you see someone likely to give you a ticket you fly like a bat out of hell. Some little jobsworths will relish this; I, as a former teacher would never do anything to disrupt the rapport I had built between pupils and parents. Still, this is Essex, East Anglia, so what can you expect?
Thurrock might be in Essex, JD33, but it's most definitely not in East Anglia!

East Anglia comprises Norfolk, Suffolk, the historic parts of Cambridgeshire (and not the 'new' parts, such as Peterborough), together with north-east Essex. (It definitely excludes all of southern Essex, such as Thurrock and Harlow).

If you dare to disagree, we'll unleash the ghost of Queen Boudicca to educate you properly!
If I were a teacher given this crackpot extra duty I would skive off that little job and expect my colleagues to do likewise.
Where are the traffic enforcement Taliban? Tickets aplenty and fines galore. Large ones all round for them at H.Q. Or do they not fancy a load of stressed parents first thing in the morning. The teachers should say not likely. Leave to the usually very keen wardens designated by the local council.
I do apologise, Chico. I have never ventured into East Anglia as I lack the necessary qualifications, not the least of which is webbed feet, so I am heavily reliant on secondary sources.
I thought we had already a full discussion on this issue a few days ago ?

For my part, I think its got to be worth a try.
Mikey tells it like it is. A foretaste of what is to be if ever the Corbynistas gain power. You heard it here first.
Jack...with greatest of respect, I haven't a clue what on earth you are on about !

This is in Thurrock, whose local Council, according to Wiki, comprises the following make up ::

Affiliation Councillors
Labour Party 18
Conservative Party 17
Independent 1

So ....quite what the "Corbynistas" ( ? ) have got to do with this, I am not sure ?

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