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Poisoned Food

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mushroom25 | 16:09 Sun 05th Jun 2011 | News
34 Answers
Credible threat? Or a government attempt to keep the population in fear?


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Most likely the latter as we have these at regular intervals, usually close to an election/re-shuffle etc.
I have often wondered why terrorists haven't resorted to this "easy" way to harm and kill....had hoped it would never come into the public domain but then with the e-coli outbreak I did wonder then if it had happened. Frightening to think it could, in fact I don't even want to contemplate the end scenario....but the life and times of today and how things seem to be getting worse...I guess it could really happen. What a terrible world when we even have to think about it.
In the 70s supporters of the Palestinians injected Israeli oranges in supermarkets with mercury. Millions of oranges had to be thrown away andit caused a minor pin-prick to the Israeli economy.

Since then I assume all governments work that such a threat is a possibility. This is one of those occasions when the newspapers should refrain from reporting stuff. The less said the better, it is a credible threat but it is also scaremongering.
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Wish you hadn't said that Eddie....hmm
"Remember LSD is odorless colourless and tasteless."......................and good fun as I recall.
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what will have the more devastating effect??.a bomb that will kill thousands..[if they are lucky]..the twin towers was a lucky hit for the terrorists when they collapsed,or the contamination of the food chain which will kill millions of people and bring economic ruin for the the food retail giants..not to mention the fear that it would cause..poisioning the very basis of our lifestyle would cause death,fear and economic disaster in one hit..its not beyond the realms of possibility..and dont forget the death of bin laden has not been avenged yet by his supporters..worrying times ahead i fear...
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Here you go eddie (just read your post ref reserviur contamiation)

Post WW2, a group of Jews known as NAKAM planned to kill 6 million Germans by injecting poison into the water routes of a few cities within Germany and to cause the death of six million Germans, as the number of Jews that were murdered in the Holocaust
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I personally dont trust wikipedia 100%, but the planned operation by Nakam are true evennts
As there are millions of Muslims in Britain they would have to be certain its not a wholesale wipeout. On a side issue terrorists in Afghanistan hide amongst the normal population and when we retaliated last week at their known hideout 13 civilians were also killed.

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Poisoned Food

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