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The 'N' word rears it's ugly head again.

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sp1814 | 10:03 Sun 29th May 2011 | News
69 Answers

There are those who (misguidedly) believe that all black people are fine with being referred to as 'n*gger' - even those black people who are culturally a million miles away from the streets of New York or Los Angeles.

There are some very stupid people who believe that the use of the 'N' word is prevalent amongst black Britons (it isn't). It would appear that this person was drunk - but is that any excuse?

Ben Douglas has behaved admirably under the circumstances (would the offender have used the same language at a bus stop in Peckham?) But Mr Douglas have named him in the story, or is it better for the name to be revealed on the notoriously gossipy fashion grapevine?


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His mates have no material to work with, Jack
you forget machjo is perfik in every department..
Should those of us who frequent Chatterbank regularly - as well as contributing to many other posts outside that category - now get ruffled about the boa as being described ^^ as "lesser mortals"? That's denigrating fellow ABers, if ever I heard it.
que boxy?
Are you a lesser mortal, because you go in CB too, MT? ;-)
JL did you read JTH's last post properly or are you deliberately twisting it to make it look like something else ?
Yes it IS ok for an ethnic group to re-cycle an extremely offensive term used AGAINST them by ANOTHER ethnic group as a term of kinship with each other. (IMO)
Who - out of any other group - would think they have the right to deny them of that previledge ? insult is an insult regardless of who says it
I disagree JL - within a group, you can call people what you like (by agreement) and nobody is insulted - if we call someone outside that group by an insulting name, that's intended to offend. the 'N' word is offensive only when they decide it is huh?
No....not if the person saying it means you no insult....and you do not take it as an insult.

If either of those conditions is *is* an insult.
You're still missing the point JL - the word was used by WHITE people against BLACK people.
The BLACK people have TURNED IT AROUND for use amongst themselves ...and why not ?
It is clearly and OBVIOUSLY extremely insulting when someone (particularly a white person) assumes use of the term IMO.

Seems to me that Mr Douglas just wants to make a name for himself

.......otherwise he would have named the offender

Put up or shut up

/// I notice you didn't deny that you post blinkered and bigoted bile..///

Neither did you deny that you post complete lies about me, by disgustingly fabricating words that I have never said, to somehow support your perverse systematic attacks on me.

...end of ?
No she doesn't Git - she hits the nail on the head about you every time, and what's more - I think you know it.'s either an offensive term or it isn't

So is it or isn't it?
JL - have you never called a close friend something offensive, knowing that they would take it in the spirit in which you intended it? I know I have, and they've done the same to me. If we said the same thing to a complete stranger, they would be affronted.
Joe, you are being purposely awkward. If my mates called me a thick Paddy I wouldn't be offended....if you called me a thick Paddy...I would.
exactly, ummm.
I'm totally clear about this JL - it is in some circumstances and not in others.
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Let me explain - the N word has always been a term of abuse, most prevalent in the USA. In the years following emancipation, some African Americans appropriated that word in order to defuse/take ownership of it, in the same way that the American gay community appropriated the word 'queer'.

Now - here's the tricky may have heard some rappers use the N word, but you'd be wrong to assume that it's generally accepted amongst the black communities of the world because there's no homogenic 'black population'.

Mr Douglas has as much in common with Timberland as David Cameron has in common with Eminent. Do you see the difference?

It's like you saying that because you might call the referee at the match on Saturday "a complete c****", then it should be acceptable for every white person to find that language acceptable.

Do you think that?

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