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Pete Duel

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lindapinda | 02:04 Tue 28th Jun 2005 | Film, Media & TV
215 Answers
Anybody else here a Pete Duel fan?Do you still find that every time you see a repeat of Alias Smith and Jones,you just think he had that special something that sets him apart from any other actor?


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Hi catwoman!! Leaving soon,for my mum's,and just took a wee look on here....thats the bad bit about Christmas...its the ones you miss.Be good to yourselves though,and spoil one another!! Lovely name Vanessa!! Merry Christmas then..Linda and Martin xxx

Merry Xmas, Linda & Martin, Vanessa & Bruce. I do hope you all enjoyed the festivities.

Vanessa, I got your Xmas e-card, thankyou. I was sad that I couldn't send you one Linda, but I thought about you very, very hard.

Bruce probably missed his Mum like I missed my Dad and probably moreso as we have never been together at Xmas these last years, in fact I think the last time was Xmas 1989, the year I moved from Paris to Grenoble. A long time ago! But last night I did burst out crying all of a sudden making everyone jump (a friend has spent Xmas wi'us). In fact, I had a bloomin' good weep; I certainly felt better afterwards especially as it was the first time that I have cried for him. Sorry, Dad.

So let us wish you a Happy New Year. May 2006 be everything we need with happiness, good fortune and good health, love Catherine & Bernard, bises xxx

Hi Catherine and Bernard, We have recieved your Christmas E-card we are so very happy that you sent it, it has brought us that little bit closer ( wonderful ) You shouldn't feel bad about getting up-set over your dad, you are only human, as usual we lit candles for special family members who ar'nt with us, it makes us feel closer to them. I dont know if you did this, try it, it will probably make you feel closer to your father.

Hi Linda and Martin , Bruce and I hope you both had a happy time yesturday, we're feeling somewhat like Catherine, we wish we could have sent you a Christmas E-card.

We both are wishing you all a happy time over the coming week, and may the New Year bring good health, good fortune and many days of happy moments.

Love always Bruce and Vanessa xxx :-)

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Hi Catherine and Vanessa!! Its so weird knowing your names!!! I've always been Linda of course!! Thanks for all your good wishes..I'll add mine now for a great 2006 for all of us!!

Was thinking about you both over Christmas,especially,when the programme celebrating Oliver was on!!! "Its a fine life" has been running through my head since then!! ...As regards the sudden tears Catherine, I'm not a bit surprised it happenened to you like that. Its the unexpected,or little things,that get you sometimes.My father died in 1985,but years later,when I saw Field of Dreams,and the bit where he gets to meet his dad again came on,I was in an awful state.I ended up crying in the bathroom,and poor Martin wasn't expecting that sort of reaction,to what had been a good night in watching a video!....

I'm attempting to get on yahoo already on hotmail msn...if you both join the AS+J Collection site,there's a great U to U facility for members to send private msgs to each other!! Its a great site anyway...all those pics of Pete,and stuff you've probably never ever seen before!..Must go on now,just managed to burn the dinner I was making!!! Once again HAPPY NEW YEAR!! AND CHEERS!!

Hi Linda and Catherine, Not many hour's left of 2005, I was sitting watching T.V. and a name came to mind, "PETE" it's his anniversary today, it's 34 year's since his death what a sad day that was, I was wondering if anyone else had thought of him today. Of course I'm thinking of lost family and friends who are not with us, Bruce's mam is close in thought, it would have been her 81st birthday on the 2nd of January.

We wish you have a great time tonight or whatever you have decided to do, Bruce and I are having a quiet night, ( gone are the day's of mad partying and frivolities! ) our high light of the night will be letting some fireworks off at 12, wow I must get out more!

Wishing you all a Very Happy New Year, God Bless you LOL Vanessa & Bruce XXX :-)

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Hi vanessa,I certainly have been thinking of Pete!! All day!!! I posted a question in Films earlier on today,to see if there were any others(apart from you,me,dot and fagin) doing the same! I've been looking on AS&J collection,and left an answer there. I'm Lindylou,on that site. We,ve got our wine and sparkling rose ready for 12.00,and a few chicken pakoras,in case we get hungry lol !! As you more out and carrying on at our decrepit time of life!! Tv and Big Ben is our limit! Oh the excitement!! Anyway...Happy New Year to you and Brucie Babes and furry babies of course!! Linda xx

Kick me for 6! What was i doing onan earlier thread talking about 25 years, of course cat woman, it's 34, 34 gawd help us!

I was glad to see you both mentioned him yesterday, I nearly came on-line but felt too sad.

Linda & Martin, Vanessa & Bruce, Dot, Happy New Year. May 2006 be good for all of us.

Bises, Catherine aka Artful xxx

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Hi Catherine,never worry dear,about,the little 10 year discrepancy!! It was just a little senior moment!!!...Not that I know what that is...ahem !!...Try and sign on to AS&J Collection site,and talk to Lindylou...I've got a lovely rocking horse called Kelly,as my avatar!!!...I've always wanted a proper full size rocking horse,since I was a child,so thats as near as I'm likely to get. No room in our house for a space for an old fashioned rocking horse!!...Talk to you soon m'dear Linda xx
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Hi Fagin,glad you did that then! I've left you a U2U msg there.

This is quick Linda. Thanx for the U2Us. I'll probably answer Friday but going to bed now and in the morning (early) I'm off to hospital for my monthly IV. So, speak Frixay. Vive PD!

Bises, xxx

Hi Foxy Fagin, I know how much you adored Jack Wilde I know you will be saddened to hear that he has passed away, just to let you know that I'm thinking about you. xxx :-(
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Hi Vanessa,I thought I'd get you here. Sounds a bit weird to hear that Jack Wild is dead. Far too young. We all remember him as the gorgeous wee thing he was :-) I know it's such a horrible time for you now,and,I hope you're coping ok? As much as you can "cope",in these circumstances. God bless ,Linda xx

Hi Linda, thank you for your reply in respect of Sooty, we felt that he didn,t have long to live since Xmas, he had started to loose alot of weight even though he was eating o.k. he then went off he's food last weekend, Bruce took him to the vets and was told his kidneys were failing. Bruce has took the death of him really badly, he has cried on and off since his passing. Sooty was closer to Bruce than me, even though I was the one he came to for feeding.

It is really sad about Jack Wild he was far too young to go. he wasn't the same person when the cancer got him, I will always remember him how he looked in "Oliver" Bless him. I hope you and your family are keeping well, and life is being kind to you all. Take care, God Bless. Love Vanessa & Bruce xxx :-)

Nooooooo! Hey kids, I just knew you wouln't let me down - I've just come off the phone to me Mam and I was left so shocked when she told me the news; it was the reason she rang. She went into town to get me a paper and has since visited neighbours to get their papers if they're different to bring me all the clippings over (she is coming next week for 3 weeks with my sister). On the net haven't found anything much - except that it took 3 weeks of filming to get "Consider Yourself" on celluloid - I didn't know that!

I'm sorry as I have been relly impolite - I owe you and Bruce a mail, Vanessa. And I must go onto AS&J to see your mail, Linda.

I've been really slow and tired these last couple of months. Came back from the hospital in Lyon this afternoon after my 6-monthly check-up and they've taken me off the chemotherapy and they're putting me on something less toxic and also giving me treatment for my tiredness which was becoming chronic.

Sorry about Sooty, Vanessa - it's the first I've heard. I really feel for you both. Over here all we hear about is this goddamned Bird Flu and now that they think cats are vulnerable. I am so pleased Boots is content to only watch the birds...

I posted a thread here about Jack Wild when I hooked on but seeing you both here has cheered me up enormously - he was only 53 going on 54. I'll be getting in touch with you all very soon.

Love and bises, Fagin aka Artful xxx

Hi Linda, Cat and Foxy...... Can I just add my sadness at hearing about Jack Wilde, I watched a documentary about him last year, he was with his wife and she did the talking for him, it was so sad to see. But he was in really good spirits. I loved him in Oliver, but I mostly remember HR Pufnstuf.... that was the highlight of our week, I used to be mesmerised by that programme.

Hope everyone is keeping well..... Now I've found you all again I'll keep checking in.... :-)

Bye for now xx

Hey Bez, don't think anyone ever left, but do check in. When I think it is the sad demise of Mr Dodger that's responsible for us all checking in now, now I certainly do have a tear in my eye.

Gosh, I'm going to show these posts to me Mam when she's here. She'll be so surprised that I wasn't the only obsessive nutcase around ant other parents went thro' the same problems as she and Dad did!!

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Hey Catherine,don't forget to tell your mother,that I had a "shrine" too!!
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Vanessa,I'm not surprised poor Bruce is taking it so bad.Our first dog Flash,died when I was 14,and,as I write this,like any other time,I think about him having to be put to sleep,I get all teary. Some people might not agree,but,losing your lovely pet is like losing a little person that has been dependant on you,like a toddler almost.I'm thinking of you both vanessa,lots of hugs.Lindax

I completely agree with you, Linda, re pets, anybody's pets - they are so dependent upon us - we can slam the door as we leave and still, hopefully, fend. What can animals do? Not a lot...

Ha, I'd forgotten about your shrine, Linda - with that me Mam will probably freak out!!!!

Question Author least she will realise, her beloved daughter was as normal as the next Pete Duel fan :-) Besotted!!....but normal!!...I'm glad you agree with me Catherine,re pets,and thanks for that !....Cheers m'dear! linda xx

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