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Pete Duel

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lindapinda | 02:04 Tue 28th Jun 2005 | Film, Media & TV
215 Answers
Anybody else here a Pete Duel fan?Do you still find that every time you see a repeat of Alias Smith and Jones,you just think he had that special something that sets him apart from any other actor?


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Consider yeself, at ome

consider yeself

one of the family

there isn't alot to spare

who cares wot'

ever we got we share

nobody needs to be la de da or upety

there's a cup o tea for all

Us all having a liking for the same people, well I think that only means one thing: WE'VE GOT DARNED GOOD TASTE!

For me I can add Kris Kristofferson and James Caan but no, I'm sorry, not John Wayne altho' me Dad was a big JW fan. Oh yes, I also adored Russ Tamblyn, that was because of Tom Thumb!!!!

Happy Birthday Dot, but it's 2 weeks away yet! When are you off to Cancun?

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Haven't heard that for year dot!! Am not warbling it around the house like fagin!! Will join you on james caan,and add david cassidy,christopher neame(from colditz)bjorn borg...can't think of any more! Mind you nowadays very partial to gary sinise,bill pullman and my toy boy,josh holloway!!
David Cassidy! Got a DVD of him in concert in Glasgow in 2002! And I don't warble - it's the DVD of Oliver! Cheeky!
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Oh! <understands,that fagin is in denial about singing along with dvd loudly> My sister saw Dc,earlier this year,at a 70s revival concert. He was with David Essexand Les McKeown.By all accounts,they played 70s stuff,of course,which is what people were there for,but D.C kept trying to play his modern stuff,and spent ages just talking! ..The local paper reported that "women of a certain age,were queueing up to get their money back"!! Dot heard the same thing happened near her too!! Oh dear..fallen idols!!

David Essex - ooh yes pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese.

Singing loudly with the DVD, yes; but warbling? Certainly NOT! Get it right lindapinda!!!!!!!

What's the DH thread that Bez and Dot were talking about?
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This is the D.H. thread!! Think of the initials,related to the original question!!!

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Leavin a msg for both catwoman and fagin,haven't heard anything lately from both of you. Hope your mum's ok catwoman? I've left a msg in b+s to that effect..How's you fagin? Hope all's ok with you too? We've all never met,but I do worry about my A.B.friends!

Her I am! Doing fine. Had my monthly trip to the hospital last week and so came out feeling a bit whoozy but fine now, just takes a few days to get back up and running.

Hey, I've done nearly all my Xmas shopping, you know I would be well and truly lost without Amazon to keep me up to date on English goods and they deliver the goods cheaper and quicker than what I could. Makes me think whilst surfing around on there I see there is a David Cassidy calendar out - pictures both past and present!!!!

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Well I'm glad to see you back again fagin old mucker!! I didn't realise you had a season ticket for the hospital! Hope its not very serious?...You're very organised for Christmas!!...Martin and I are generally dragged kicking and screaming into the so called festive season. He has always been a humbug,and I have to say,he's infected me too!! There's no kids in our house,other than our gorgeous cats,so we don't have reason to get organised early or anything!...Have you got "Lost" over there? American series.about plane crash survivors?..If not,check it out on net,...look for Sawyer!!..Josh Holloway...gorgeous!!..

Hi lindapinda, hi cat woman. I've just been to the Lost site and I see what you mean about Sawyer, those eyes, that mouth!!! Not seen the programme but I think the first series was shown here a while back.

Season ticket for the hospital! Not bad! Unfortunately though, yes I do and I have had since April on a regular basis altho' I do go to Lyon every 6 months for a check-up. All down to Multiple Sclerosis which is a real b*tch of a thing, annoyingly pernicious. Since April been on a treatment which consists of an IV every month - takes 24 hours but it does seem to be doing some good, i.e. the MS is stabilising.

Let's change subject as that is depressing...

There are no kids here either but it doesn't stop me from enjoying Xmas! Took me decades (?, well 2) to get Bernard to join in but now he's as active as me (as I?) - I won't say 'enthusiastic' as it'd be an exageration but he does play his part! He got me my present today - a beautiful wooden jewellery box!

Seen "Oliver Twist"? I'll get the DVD when it is released to see it in English as I saw it in French. Really enjoyed the first 2/3 but then it went haywire AND Artful disappeared. Didn't like the chap playing Bill Sykes but that could have been the dubbing and Bullseye was way too big!

There was something else but can't remember what; anyway when I remember I'll come back. Have you thought about looking in on NewAnswerbook lindapinda? Come to that, cat woman, what has happened to Brucie Baby? Think I'm going to have to mail you soon!

Love, Artfulxxx

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Glad you enjoyed your "visit" to Sawyer! If you think he looks good there,you really will have to see him in action!! He has a gorgeous texan drawl and DIMPLES!! ...Is your jewellery box an antique?..I love wooden boxes! Any age,any type!...I have two lovely children's money boxes,that belonged to my Granny and her brother,when she was a wee girl...I tried having a look at newanswerbook,there,but,I have problems trying to get into msn groups...I can never manage it!! No matter how easy everybody else finds it,it defeats me!!...I'm worried about catwoman actually,cos,her mother had been in hospital,and was still pretty ill even though she was back at home. Iv'e noticed that Bruce hasn't been around either,so I'm kinda thinking the worst really.As I said before,I tried leaving her a msg in B+S,but it was shifted to c.b.and of course got buried....The last time we were talking about Oliver,I ended up Oom pa pahing all over the house.(left a bit of a mess actually!)....There's a film on here at the minute playing lots of 70's stuff brilliant! Its good background listening!..Just me and my babies here,cos Martin's away visiting his folks!...I wasn't expecting your answer about M.S,but its great news that its stabilised.Nuff said there as you say....Things are looking pretty rowdy over there with yourselves at the minute I see,but you're well away from any trouble aren't you?I remember seeing the beautiful view you have from your window!!..Will go on now,and finish washing those dishes that I started 3 hours ago,before A.B ensnared me once again!! Byeexx..Take care..Linda
Nice one linda! Got that, you managed it then!
This thread stays, it is brilliant, it is like a mini epic! I am proud of every word I put on it and some of the stuff is amazing. Keep it going girls, we do no wrong.
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Dot you of course are quite right!!...This thread is a little bit of history,dating back to the ever so distant 70s!!! Gosh,we must be very old now!!
Hi Lindapinda. Not been ignoring you but there has just been so much to do recently with Xmas cards and such. Sent my 53rd card and at least the last one B4 Xmas today.

Not finished, so will continue.Would have liked to send you one but with the anonymity on this site it isn't possible. Sad! You don't belong to Yahoo Messenger do you?

It's going to be so soon that it is going to be 25 years now. I cannot believe it, it all seems like yesterday and as this year my Dad won't be there to take the **** out of me as he did every time of the year about getting so upset...

Anyway, how are you doing?
Love Artful xxx

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Hi babes!! 53 cards!! I'm gobsmacked,truly! I know,nearly 25 years?and its still so fresh.I'm sure your dad will still be having a wee dig at you and shaking his head! I was taking a look around on the as&j site this evening actually.There's always some wee interesting fact or pic,that I haven't seen before.There is one discussion at the minute,about an episode of Ironside he was in,in 1968.Pics of that too! Do you belong to that site?You should go and take a look? I'm a newbie there as lindylou. Anyway,hope your Christmas and New Year goes well,if I'm not talking to you before then,and I'll be thinking of our Pete of course on the 31st,as usual.

Hi linda and Artful, just like to wish you both a really very Merry Christmas, Bruce and I will be on our own this year, we used to have his mum for christmas dinner, it's going to be odd without her, but we know she will be with us in spirit, bless her. It will be the same for you artful, we will be thinking of you, did you recieve our christmas E-Mail card, we thought that one would make you smile, it gave us a laugh!

It's a shame about CB being shut down, but really Brucie and I are not surprised, as you know we hardly ever went on there in the end, it all just went to pot. Well linda and artful, this is all for now, take care, God Bless LOL Bruce and Vanessa xxx :-)

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