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Pete Duel

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lindapinda | 02:04 Tue 28th Jun 2005 | Film, Media & TV
215 Answers
Anybody else here a Pete Duel fan?Do you still find that every time you see a repeat of Alias Smith and Jones,you just think he had that special something that sets him apart from any other actor?


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God,how significant Catherine!...Not only are we all brought together by Pete,...but...we're all animal lovers!!...Wow!!...just look...all the peeps on here ...adore animals even if they aren't Pete fans!!

I do think its really wonderful tthat 2 idols which we all adored in our lives can bring us together like this, their memories will always live on.

Hi Catherine, I hope you have a lovely time with your mum when she comes to visit, I'm going to visit my mam next month, I will be arriving in the early hours of the 19th on her 77th Birthday. :-)

Hi Bez, what a lovely surprise to hear from you, I hope all is well, I agree about us all being animal lovers "Linda" it is heart breaking when they go and all the lovely memories of the past years come flooding back, they give so much, yet ask for so little, and each 1 is thought of in their own little way of the habits they had.

Take care everyone, God Bless. Lots of Love Vanessa & Bruce xxx :-)

Have you seen Las Vegas with James Caan - he's another that I have always been a huge fan of - I watch that every day weekeday evening at 5:30 p.m. and there is a lad in that where if I were 25, no be truthful, Catherine! 30 years younger I would certainly have him plastered on all my walls - Danny McCoy aka Josh Duhamel. Yes!!!

I haven't been able to see "Lost" yet Linda - not shown on any of the channels I get.

Hi Vanessa, I hope you don't mind me using your first name. All is well as I hope it is with you and yours.

I had a black and tan German Shepered for 13 years, I'd had him since he was 8 weeks old....I was totally devastated when he passed, gladly he didn't suffer he passed in his sleep, the vet told us his heart just stopped beating whilst he slept. I grieved for him terribly afterwards and swore I'd never have another dog. Two months later my daughter phoned and said.... "Mum someone is selling German Shepered pups", my first response was "No, I don't want another dog". My daughter being who she is, always springing suprises on me turned up at my house a few days later and said, "Mum I've got a suprise for you" I asked her what and she wouldn't tell until an hour or so later a car pulled up outside my house......she rushed to the front door and let a man and a woman in carrying a pet carrier..I just looked at my daughter, the man opened the pet carrier and two pure black German Sheperds popped out..... Well it was love at first sight..... they where two brothers...8 weeks old. My daughter had arranged to buy one for herself and one for me..... they are nearly 5 now... My daughters one is called Zuke....and mine is called Shadow....Linda knows all about Shadow :-)..... he is like Yas and Wee Man....rules the house!!!

He can never replace Rocky.... but saying that I wouldn't want him to because they have such different personalities... :-)

Take care Vanessa, speak to you soon. xx

Hi Catherine and Linda xx

Hello Ladies - here's wishing you a wonderful International Day of the Woman 2006.

Love & Bises, xxx

Question Author
Hi Catherine!...Did you see the the u2u I left you on AS&J re the video from The Virginian?..It's really worth watching!!
hi linda, i watched the video thanks and he looked so young!!!!!!!!! Couldn't get the one with Jim Dewey tho, only the one with the picnic. can u get the link again plse?
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Hi dot..both of the links were on the same post that carolyn had started.One was further back than the other one though.If you type The Virginian into the search box,it should bring that post up!...Thought you'd enjoy it!!

Didn't you get my u2u message Linda. I downloaded the 2 but the result was nothin. The irst one wouldn't work at all and the second hummed and hawwed about... Most disappointing as I was right excited about them.

How are you? I had a lovely 3 weeks with me Mam but have been totally shattered since. Too much for me, I think.

Hi linda, Thanks for yor post about Merlin, but I was so angry with drgnrdr comments as if that I wasn't a responsible cat owner and its all down to my incompetance that Merlin got run over, you know that I love my cats dearly and would lay down my life for them. Maybe I was a bit harsh with my reply, but did he/she think of my feelings when he/she posted ( I dont think so ) they knew that rubbing salt into my wounds would hurt. I'm really not a nasty piece of sh*t, I've even been told that I'm too caring and get too emotionally involved but I just saw red and had to defend myself in a fashion not known to me. I just hope that I haven't lost your friendship or respect xxx
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Omg..Vanessa!..How could you lose my friendship or respect??...You are suffering so much..and his/her responce,was so defied belief!!..I won't lie to you..our 2 cats are indoor/garage cats..we live near a main road,and we decided to keep them indoors and around the garage.The difference is...I don't judge someone for the way they keep their cats..the same way..I don't expect someone to judge me for the way I keep my cats...we all love our cats..thats the main thing.I hope you and Bruce can help each other now?.This is such a dark time for you..that only he..or someone else,that has gone through something similar,can understand.I'm really thinking of you Vanessa...God Bless..though I know you think he has deserted you.
Hey, Linda, guessed whet i started using last week - my summer duvet!
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Oh Catherine,that is so wierd!..I was just thinking this morning,that it was time maybe,for the summer duvet..and wondering if you had cause to try yours yet! do you rate it?? Isn't it a great invention! lol !..The bliss of a cool covering without the suffocating heat!...Are we sad or what?? Discussions of duvets!!

Sad or what? Linda! It's comfort, that's what it's all about and we are both really pleased with it. Have you got yours out now? The difference is incredible.
If Pete had known about them he would have ot one for his horse!

Onto more serious matters. I see people can still be hurtfully cutting on this site. For callous they take the biscuit and they obviously didn't know Vanessa. But, as well there is a bit too much lovey dovey niceness at times or is that me being cynical? I shall have to ask Brucie Baby! I sent them my sympathies in an e-card...

Bises, dahlin. Artful, xxx

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Hi Catherine!...We are on the verge of summer duvet time!! Temps have been high around here for about the last week,but..casting the winter duvet out time,is a delicate matter here,and has to be timed to perfection!! lol !! I'm really glad you are both benefiting from yours!!...Yeh...poor Vanessa...I see that horrible post has been removed,and also the apology that followed it.I just don't get some people!!..We get all variations of life on AB though I suppose!...Just to let you know..there was a tribute paid to Jack Wild at the BAFTAs this week.I didn't see it myself..but Dot told me. AB has changed a hell of a lot lately..B&S has become the area to post all sorts of god knows what!!..We oldies (you before me of course!) are still hanging around though! Just looking at that!! It looks bad..I were on here before me !!..I'm heading to bed in disgrace now!! Cheers m'dear ..Lindaxx Hope you're keeping well.
Hi Linda, I just needed so desperately to put down about how I'm feeling. Its now been two weeks since my dear Merlin died and I still cant get my head together, I miss him so much I think of him every waking moment, it hurts to even to look out into the garden I can still picture him playing out there chasing flies, bees and anything else that moved, I picture him sitting on the shed roof or even running up the garden to come in. I haven't read a paper since he left because he always used to come sit on it while I was reading. I'm going to work putting on a false smile pretending I'm o.k. but all I want to do is scream, I dont want to come home because he's not here to greet me, I dont want to go to sleep because he wont tthere in the morning howling like he did for his food. Millie is o.k. she hasn't been pining she has just carried on as normal, she is'nt a loving cat where you can pick her up like I could with Merlie he loved being fussed over. We have had several cats over the years and its grieved me to lose them mostly to old age but its the way he died, the shock and how young he was its really knocked me for six. I'm sorry to have rattled on and probably upset you but I didn't want to post on A&N because I couldn't cope with another jibe from that person. I hope you and your family are well and of course your little dear babies. LOL Vanessa xxx :-(
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Oh Vanessa,I feel so sorry for what you're going through,and how horrendous it is for you.The shock of how quickly your entire life has been affected,is just too much too quickly.I know,you know that nothing can help you at the minute.There's only one thing that could..and thats not possible. I was thinking about you yesterday,cos I remembered it was 2 weeks ago when you told us the awful news. Are you and Bruce able to talk about Merlin?..You write so beautifully about him,all his little "ways"...I know what you mean about the paper :-)..My two sit on mine too!..Especially when I'm trying to have my "I'll sit down and read my paper and have my lunch time"...Would you be able to write about all the lovely things Merlin did? Just for yourself? It might help..a little private diary?...I'll give you all my best thoughts and hugs now Vanessa,and hope that you begin to get some peace of mind. Keep in touch..please? Linda xx

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Vanessa,I had very bad news from my sister this evening.Molly,one of her two cats,that I pet sit,was found dead on the road this morning.Like you she is devastated.She had adopted Molly 2 years ago,when he was found in my aunt's garden,with a very badly damaged front left leg.The leg had to be amputated,but Molly survived to be a gorgeous cat,with such a lot of character.My sister went out to work this morning thinking all was fine,and came home this evening to hear that her Molly was dead.Just wanted to let you know.

HI linda, I've just seen your message and I'm so dreadfully sorry to hear of your sister's dear puss "Molly" I can imagine everything feeling she is going through, its so unfair after what Molly had already gone through in losing her front leg only to be taken so tragically just like my Merlin who I miss more than words can say. I am coping o.k. I had already started to do a diary on my computer which you suggested, I kept having to go back to it because I kept getting up-set and couldn't see the keys, I also put him and Sooty on The Blue Cross pets memorial site which helped me. Once again my deepest sympathies go out to your sister and her family, please give her my message, the pain eases but memories last forever.

Lots of Love Vanessa xxx :-)

Hi linda, How is your sister I have been thinking of her since you left me your message, its a horrible time and I can just imagine how she is feeling, even now 6 weeks later after my Merlin died I still miss him, his cry, the smell and touch of his fur, his little ways when he played with his babies, and his beautiful eyes and markings on his face. I was visiting my neighbour who looks after our home and kitties when we go on breaks, she said that she had something for me and didn't know whether to give it to me incase it up-set me, it turned out to be parts of Merlin coller and disc which he lost last year, she found it in her garden while doing some weeding. I was happy that she gave it to me and gob smacked to learn that he roamed that far last year as her garden is right on the main road where he was killed, as I always thought that he stayed in and around the gardens at my end of the street.

Bye for now, please give you sister my love and tell her that I'm thinking of her.

Love Vanessa xxx

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