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Hard Drive Help

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maggiebee | 16:18 Sat 19th Aug 2023 | Technology
6 Answers
When my old laptop gave up the ghost, I put it into a local repair business. They apparently downloaded all my photos etc on to an external hard drive. Problem is, I can't seem to get it connected properly so can't see anything. What am I doing wrong. Suggestions appreciated.


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What connection to your laptop does the hard-drive use, is it USB?

Do you see the drive appear in ‘This PC’ when connected?
Try running Disk Management to see if the computer knows the disk is there.

Could be your connecting lead, or anything really. Check connections anyway, inc. bend pins etc..
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Thanks for your responses folks. Will have another try - afraid technology and I just don't mix well.
How are you connecting the drive to the PC? That is important, you must be sure it is data cable and not a charging cable
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Thanks barry, will check.
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