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BrutalDeluxe | 14:43 Thu 17th Jun 2004 | Body & Soul
21 Answers
Is there any physical way of prolonging ejaculation?


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Try and think of 'non-sexual' things whilst being intimate, I believe this works for some males
Think about non-sexual things.... Think about a sink full of greasy dishes...only a cold water detergent....its saturday afternoon ...ur broke....its raining...uve just run out of fags and ur mother in law is coming round later....the tv is bust ...and the guy next guy next door is in a choir and has a couple of his mates around singing hyms.....hows that?
I think if he thought all that at once bluedolphin he would take a vow of celebacy!!
concentrating on your breathing can help - long slow deep breaths (try not to be too noisy as she will get worried :-) and also release some of the "tension". More extreme measures can be - imagine you're giving it large to Margaret Thatcher (unless you find her attractive then it's not a good idea) or your mother-in-law etc. Finally alcohol has a negative effect as well but i wouldn't recommend it as you end up with nose bleeds and hernias trying to ejaculate ha ha sorry i'm trying to be serious about these answers :-))
are you asking about prolonging the actual ejaculation or prolonging intercourse? if latter, answers given indeed sufficient, with the addition of thinking about anne widdecombe.. if the former then I know of no such way ... are you collecting it?
thinking of non sexual things just ruins the fun... there are excercises you can do, learn to make your self stop. When masturbating take yourself to the brink then stop, let your erection subside then repeat you'll find you build up the ability to control when you ejaculate then when you're having sex make sure you're in control, on top or behind so you dictate the speed, when you feel you're close slow right down then when you're back in control speed up again do that 4 or 5 times and you'll find yourslf lasting longer and peoviding enjoyment. I believe tou can also build up the muscles which control ejaculation by doing excercises like clenching your buttocks while seated. There's some more info here
if it is the actual act of prolonging ejaculation your after. Then the only way I know how to achive this is abstinence.
I have the feeling that you are looking for prolonging that actual ejaculation process - do you want to produce more semen? As one of my colleagues suggests, absitnence will 'build up' a certain level or ejaculate, but don;t imagine that a week's 'store' will give you seven times the volume, it doesn't work that way! If you are inhibited by the adult performances of people like Peter North and Ron Jeremy, don;t be, they are very much the exception in terms of volume. The average ejaculate is a standard amount, issued for a standard time, so don't worry about it. if your partner is worried about it, she's too shallow to be spending intimate time with - move on!
Durex make a condom for this purpose, called Performa. The packet has a lovely picture of a speedometer on it!
Pressing against the perinium (halfway between the anus and the scrotum).
Don't think about un-sexy images, this will ultimately back fire and you will find yourself getting turned on by tractors or worse.
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here you go found this
Oh dear I was not quick enough (no pun intended). I too was going to suggest Tantric sex (see Sting/Trudi Styler).
MrIxolite you are not doing it right. or you are a farmer.
if you come then whats the problem ?
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try pulling down on your balls when you feel like you're going to come. or buy a cock ring - you wear it on the base of your penis and it makes you stay hard for longer. all sex shops sell them, even ann summers. good luck.
Try thinking about the person you're actually having sex with!
Certain medications can have the effect of delaying a man's orgasm and ejaculation. SSRI antidepressants (Prozac, Zoloft, etc.) have this effect. Also, painkillers such as Vicodin or Percocet can have the same effect in men. However, I don't recommend anyone take these medications for this purpose as it can be dangerous.

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