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Neil Diamond

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welshlibranr | 23:34 Fri 27th May 2011 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
anyone else watching?............singing Sweet Caroline now!...............oh the memories!....jigging away in my chair now!


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Saw him live at Woburn Abbey in the late 70's. Still good today.
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yes ladybirder, really enjoyed watching him tonight!.............great!......
Now he is someone I would go round the corner to see. (Most I wouldn't)

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Me too jem!..............he's great!..............
which channel?
Happy times listening to Neil Diamond with my daughter, drinking wine. Also Billy Joel.
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ITV1 scotsman, just ended, can get it on freeview I think channel 33 now!........
not in Edinburgh
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Oh shame scotsman!...........maybe on I player tomorrow!.......hope so, it was fab!........
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scotsman!.............try to watch if you are a fan of Neil Diamond!'ll really enjoy!...............hope you can!..............
Brilliant couldn't keep still!
Was it anything like the performance he did recently as part of the Electric Prom series on radio2? I listened to that and have to say that I was disappointed.
Probably unfairly as he is not young any more. His voice just does not 'have it'.
He was/is a good lyricist and was a very good performer at his best.
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me neither carondog!.............was jigging around!..............loved it!...........
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no idea scotsman, didn't listen to that, but really enjoyed seeing and hearing him tonight!.............judge for yourself, will be on I player by tomorrow morning!.....not sure about the new stuff!.......not my thing!.........but loved the rest of it!..........
I enjoyed it - to think I nearly watched Graham Norton! He I dont mind, but the thought of his guests from The Hangover 2, and there wasn't a chance for them.
I think Neil still does 'have it', by the way.
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I saw the last half Clara, missed the first bit, watching it now on ITV 2, really good!.....
Oh, yes!
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great performer!...........loving it!..........
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Sweet Caroline again! it!.............

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