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albaqwerty | 20:15 Tue 29th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
could do with a smidgen. Anyone got some they could knbdly lob in my direction?
thank you

Don't care if ti's plain, milk or anything in between :)


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I never share chocolate, its all mine!!
Here, lindt chocolate piece CATCH!!
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arrg, when I've got some it's the same story lol

I hide it in the bread bin :)
"knbdly lob"...??
I have a tin of Quality Street, and a bar of Baileys chocolate and a small box of M&S Truffles just a few missing. I've already given a tin of Roses chocs away. We have had these since Christmas. Why can't we have decent chocolate like the Belgians make.
No chocolate sorry. I prefer savoury things.
galaxy cookie crumble...a big bar...and no! you can't have any x
I think alba has already done the liqueur chox, B00 - both layers apparently
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lol Boo, supposed to be Kindly lob

lack of chocs makes me mis-spell:)

ooh gran, isn't lindt chocolate belgian ? or is it Swiss.

they know how to make chocolate they do :)
I prefer savoury things too micmac.
I just went to get my fruit and nut out of the fridge. Emply packet and no chocolate. grrrrrrr.
I'll blow you a malteser
Ayg. I had a sister now no longer with us who ate 5 or 6 choc bars a day. She was totally addicted. She weighed 7 stone wet through.
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From a chocoholic NO.
I buy chocolate and it seems to vanish before I get home : (
I'm just running the mouse over a bar of 70% dark choccy...
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oooh liquer choccies well I never

hardly ever :D

I do savoury more than sweet, love voldy-vends with a svouary filling, but now and again the old false sweet tooth gets me :)

Barmaid, that sounds like a good place to put my OH

thank you Prudie xx
Mrs jth manages to buy bars of chocolate with 'Not for sharing' hidden somewhere on the wrapper..........:o(
No idea. It has obviously been a few days since it disappeared.

he can sometimes find the fridge on "homing instinct" if I am not around to put food on a plate in front of him. What is stupid is that if it had been put in the other fridge he would never have found it (he forgets we actually have two fridges).

I have a secret supply of Thorntons though. Nom nom nom

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