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nicebloke1 | 19:16 Fri 29th Mar 2024 | News
26 Answers

Sunak says one of the reasons for giving Mohamed Mansour a K/hood is because of his services to charities. Didn't know the conservative party were a registered charity?



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Why not, their school is (Eton). Get loads of tax breaks as a result.

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I did say " one" of the reasons I'm awear of the others. Love the way the use charities for extra cover.

sunak went to winchester ( where my parents wanted me to go but ho hum history was different)

only the brightest of the bright go there ( and everyone is crap at sports)

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Even the ones that just refuse to accept that the cons are cons have got to see this for what it is. Mr Integrity just keeps knocking those nails in the con coffin.

The very fact of Sunak handing a knighthood to this Tory Donor is a sure sign that Sunak is on his way out when he and his fraudulant Cons lose the Local elections in May , never mind the General Election.

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Boris looked after his mates, Truss looked after her mates, now sunak is looking after his mates. Now they really are all in it together. One big happy den of crooks.

It's what they do - every party rewards their supporters like this, just wait to see if Labour do the same (if they get the chance).

Politics here is rubbish - DON'T VOTE FOR ANYONE!

davebro. Good news that you won't be voting.

Atheist - I have said often on here that I won't vote again.


Davebro 19.15 "You say you won't vote again" Or are you trying to tell us You won't vote Conservative again. If so I admire you . 

davebro; I'm not on your case. I don't know you, I just respond to your posts.


It doesn't matter what I vote - my constituency will return the sitting MP - as will most others. 

PP – so except for a twist of fate (and your parents not being multimillionaires), you could have been our current Prime Minister.

The good news is that the sitting Tory MP in my constituency needs less than a 3% swing to Labour to lose his seat – so he is toast.

Does anyone here have any evidence that Mansour was less deserving of the homnout than the others who received knighthoods today? I'm just wondering why the criticism only relates to Mansour's award - maybe because of his ethnicity or his wealth/donation- and not to the others?

 Have the Cons not learnt from this though?,of%20Labour%20fundraiser%20Lord%20Levy.

Sir beer will be doing the same when he gets in office. What we need is a system that prevents cronyism.

no necessarily, tomus, Starmer seems cautious to the point of constipation, but he's making it clear enough that there's no money, which is at least honest.

I suppose the number of Tory peers has to be matched  by a number of Labour peers if they become the government; that's an argument against peers rather than against an opposition party. How many honours lists have there been lately? Two a year used to be plenty; now every day's ermine day.

Jno, I would like to see the HOL abolished.

An upper chamber is fine, just not in its current anti democratic cronyist form.

I don't disagree, though I don't have a master plan for replacing them. But start by cutting off their emoluments...

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